How to cancel a job interview
Unforeseen things during the hiring process may necessitate the cancellation of your interview. If you're looking for a decent job or changing careers, you must cancel an interview formally. Following the points for courteously canceling an interview will allow you to keep a professional connection with the organization. In this post, we will explain how to cancel an interview along with some email examples.
Tips for canceling an interview

The fundamental steps for canceling an interview, such as through email are;
- Offer proper notice
If you want to cancel an interview, try to notify the interviewer as soon as possible. It's vital for etiquette and in case you need to reschedule. If at all feasible, cancel your interview at least 24 hours in advance. Giving appropriate prior warning demonstrates that you value your hiring manager's time, making rescheduling convenient. If it's a last-minute situation, you can submit an email or contact them. Regardless of the channel you use, make sure the individual gets your notice in a way that is comfortable for them.
- Reschedule the interview
If you are unable to attend the interview but are still keen on the position, request a rebook. Send an email or contact the recruiter to let them know when you're open for a new interview. Please express your regret for any issue and notify the hiring manager that you are still excited about the position. It is beneficial to offer a concrete reason for rescheduling so that the person understands your situation. Most employers will agree to rebook the meeting.
- Be genuine and courteous
If you are canceling or rebooking an appointment, make sure your email is formal and cordial. However, it is not needed to explain, most people do so. When providing a reason, make it short and to the point. More notably, be courteous, especially if you intend to apply for any position with the same company in the future. Apologize for the trouble and appreciate the individual for their time and attention. Being courteous demonstrates good manners and maintains a positive connection with the organization.
Things to know when canceling an interview
The following are some things to keep in mind when writing your interview cancellation message;
- Keep it straightforward. State your cancellation reason without getting into details. It is critical that you successfully explain the reason while not going into excessive detail.
- Be professional. You must maintain your sincerity and professionalism. When referencing the recruiter, be polite and respectful.
- Contact through phone-call. It is a great suggestion, especially if you plan on applying for another job at the same corporation in the future. Following up with a phone call demonstrates your appreciation for the job prospect and allows you to become acquainted with the recruiter.
Guidelines for rescheduling an interview
Consider the following suggestions to rebook an interview;
- Be available. Updating your interview time is probably create inconvenience to the hiring manager. Mark your calendar and remember you are available on the date set if you need to rebook.
- Ensure to cooperate. The hiring manager may not always be able to accommodate your schedule and may instead give their suitable time/date for the interview. If they give you a range of different dates and you're present, choose the initial date on the list to demonstrate your motivation.
- Give a specific reason. When you responsibly communicate your reasoning, the hiring manager perceives you as reliable. It may also improve your opportunities of receiving a positive response.
- Provide reasonable notice. Give your cancellation letter ahead of time so that the recruiter has enough time to modify their timeframe.
- Cancel in a formal way. If an emergency happens and you have to cancel at the last moment, you must contact the hiring manager and pursue with an email.
If you really want the interview but are unable to attend at the designated time, email or contact the person who arranged it. If you write an email and don't hear back from them, give the interviewer a call to ensure that the message was received. It isn't essential to go into great specifics about why you have to rearrange your appointment time; simply state, 'I have to rebook due to unexpected family circumstances.' Indicate a different date and time so that you can retain another interview window.
Interview cancellation email examples
Here are some examples of an interview cancellation email;
Subject: Monica Miller - Cancellation of an interview for the marketing executive position on March 8.
Dear Mr. Josh,
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application for the open marketing executive position at ABC Corp. I am grateful for your invitation to an interview on March 8 at 11 a.m. at your New York head office.
I appreciate the opportunity, but I apologize am currently unavailable for this job on this day and time.
Thank you for your consideration and time.
Monica Miller
Subject: Monica Miller: Interview Cancellation
Dear Mr. Josh,
Thank you for contacting me about the customer service representative position at ABC Corp. I acknowledge you for inviting me for an interview booked on March 17 at 1 p.m. But, unfortunately, I have taken another job offer and am no longer looking for work.
I apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks for your consideration.
Monica Miller
Rescheduling interview email example
Subject: Monica Miller - Reschedule Interview
Dear Mr. Smith,
Thank you for taking the time to review me for the position of project manager at Silicon Valley. I'm writing to enquire whether I can rebook my interview for April 1 at your Silicon Valley. I had an unforeseen health problem that I can't accommodate on my timetable.
Is it feasible to reschedule for the following dates;
April 1 at 11 am
April 6 at 1 pm
I will be available on these dates and times.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Kind Regards,
Monica Miller
Consider taking the time to fully prepare for your rebooked interview.
It entails studying the company with which you are interviewing, practicing answers to typical interview questions, and ensuring that you are dressed appropriately for the interview.
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