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hipCV. Resume review and Resume writing service.

We understand how hard it is to write a resume. Spending hours fighting the layouts in microsoft word. Not knowing what to write.

Let us handle all these problems and help you the get the job you deserve.

Shows one of the hipCV resume templates

Used by people to get hired at the best companies

How our Resume review and Resume writing service works

Get your perfect resume in 3 easy steps

1 Fill out the form
2 Pay the fee
3 Get your perfect resume

Resume review service

🌟 Get Your Resume Noticed!

Are you tired of submitting countless resumes and getting lost in the job application black hole? Say goodbye to the endless cycle of rejections and hello to your dream career! Introducing our game-changing Resume Review Service, designed exclusively to skyrocket your chances of landing that job you've been dreaming about.

What makes our service stand out?

  • ✅ Expert Eye for Perfection: Our team of seasoned professionals knows exactly what employers are looking for. We'll analyze every nook and cranny of your resume and transform it into a masterpiece that grabs attention from the get-go.
  • ✅ Tailored to Perfection: One size doesn't fit all! We understand that every industry and job role is unique. Our experts will craft a customized resume that highlights your skills, experiences, and achievements, ensuring it speaks directly to your target audience.
  • ✅ Killer Keywords: Beat the automated applicant tracking systems! Our experts will sprinkle your resume with powerful keywords and phrases that'll make it pop out to recruiters, guaranteeing that your application gets noticed and lands on top of the pile.
  • ✅ Action-Oriented Tips: We don't just stop at reviewing your resume; we provide you with action-oriented tips to improve your chances of success. From highlighting your achievements to crafting compelling bullet points, our experts will empower you with the knowledge to take your career to new heights.

Why choose us?

  • 💼 Results that Speak for themselves: Countless success stories from our satisfied customers can't be wrong. Our resume builder service has helped thousands of job seekers just like you secure interviews and land their dream jobs across a wide range of industries.
  • 💯 Trustworthy Experts: Our team of seasoned professionals has years of experience in HR, recruitment, and career coaching. With their insider knowledge and expertise, you can trust that your resume will be in the best hands.
  • ⏰ Lightning-Fast Turnaround: We understand that time is of the essence when it comes to job hunting. That's why we guarantee a speedy turnaround, ensuring that you have your polished resume in your hands within a blink of an eye. We will complete the entire review within 3 working days.
  • 🔒 100% Confidentiality: We value your privacy above all else. Your personal information and resume will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and we will never share it with anyone, period.

Supercharge Your Career Today!

Don't let a lackluster resume hold you back from the career of your dreams. With our Resume Review Service, you'll be armed with a powerful tool that opens doors and paves the way to success. Invest in yourself and take the first step towards a brighter future!

Resume writing service

🔥 Unlock Your Career Potential with Our Resume Writing Service!

Ready to level up your job search game? Look no further! Our cutting-edge Resume Writing Service is here to revolutionize the way employers perceive you and catapult your career to new heights. Get ready to make a lasting impression that lands you your dream job!

Why choose our Resume Writing Service?

  • ✅ We understand that you're unique, and your resume should reflect that! Our skilled team of professional writers will work closely with you to create a tailor-made masterpiece that showcases your skills, experiences, and accomplishments in the most captivating way possible.
  • ✅ Say goodbye to the resume black hole! Our expertly crafted resumes are designed to grab the attention of hiring managers, making them stop in their tracks and take notice. We'll highlight your strengths and emphasize your value, ensuring your application stands out from the crowd.
  • ✅ We know how to make your achievements shine! Our writers are skilled wordsmiths who will skillfully weave together impactful keywords and industry-specific jargon, ensuring your resume sails through applicant tracking systems and impresses even the toughest of recruiters.
  • ✅ Leave the formatting headaches to us! We'll transform your resume into a visually stunning, polished document that exudes professionalism and readability. From font choices to bullet points, we'll make sure your resume is a true work of art.
  • ✅ We don't just stop at writing your resume; we provide you with invaluable tips and insights to unleash your true potential. Our experts will guide you on how to optimize your resume for different job applications, tailor it for specific industries, and make it an undeniable asset in your career arsenal.

Why trust us? Here's why!

  • 💼 Our team of talented writers boasts a wealth of experience in diverse industries, ensuring that your resume is crafted by professionals who truly understand your field and know what employers are looking for.
  • 💯 Countless success stories from our satisfied clients speak volumes about our service. We've helped thousands of job seekers land interviews, receive multiple job offers, and embark on exciting career journeys. Your success story could be next!
  • ⏰ We respect your time and the urgency of your job search. Our efficient process guarantees a swift turnaround, providing you with a powerful resume within no time. Don't let opportunities slip away - act fast!. We will complete the entire resume writing process within 3 working days.
  • 🔒 We take your privacy seriously. Rest assured that all your personal information and career details will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your trust in us is our highest priority.

Take Your Career by Storm!

Don't settle for a mediocre resume that holds you back. Our Resume Writing Service is your ticket to unlocking your full potential and landing that coveted job. Invest in yourself and let our experts craft a resume that opens doors to endless opportunities!

Frequently asked questions

What is our review and resume writing process?
Our process includes 4 easy steps:

  1. First things first, fill out our simple form. We want to get to know the real you, so spill the beans about your skills, experiences, and ambitions. The more you share, the better equipped we'll be to create a killer resume that captures your awesomeness.
  2. Once you make the payment and hit submit, we start crafting your ultimate resume.
  3. Our team of resume superstars springs into action, extracting all the juiciest details from your form. We blend your unique story with industry expertise, fanning the flames of excitement as we create a resume that'll make employers drool (in a professional way, of course).
  4. After finishing the resume, we'll send it straight to your inbox. If you wan't anything changed, or amended, we will get right on it until you are satisfied.

What is our refund policy for resume review and resume writing service?
We believe in providing excellent customer satisfaction, and we understand that circumstances can sometimes change. Here's our customer-friendly refund policy:

  1. Satisfaction Guaranteed: We strive to deliver top-notch resume services that exceed your expectations. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the final product, please let us know within 7 days of receiving your resume, and we'll work closely with you to address any concerns or make necessary revisions.
  2. Refund Eligibility: If we are unable to resolve your concerns or meet your expectations even after the revision process, you may be eligible for a refund. However, please note that refunds are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and we reserve the right to assess the situation and determine the appropriate resolution.
  3. Timeframe for Refunds: Refund requests must be made within 7 days of receiving the final resume. We encourage you to provide detailed feedback during the revision process to ensure we have the opportunity to meet your requirements.
  4. Partial Refunds: In certain cases, if only a portion of the services has been completed, we may offer a partial refund based on the work already performed. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
  5. Non-Refundable Situations: Please note that we are unable to provide refunds in the following scenarios:
    • If you have approved the final resume and requested no further revisions.
    • If the refund request is made after the 7-day timeframe.
    • If the refund request is due to reasons beyond our control (e.g., changes in personal circumstances, job requirements, etc.).
  6. Fair and Transparent Process: Our aim is to ensure fairness and transparency throughout the refund process. We will communicate with you promptly, addressing your concerns and finding the best possible resolution.

We value your trust and want to make sure you are fully satisfied with our service. If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our refund policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly customer support team.
Note: This refund policy is subject to change, and the terms and conditions at the time of your purchase will apply.

Is paying for a resume review worth it

Whether paying for a resume review is worth it depends on your individual circumstances and needs. When determining this choice, keep the following things in mind;

Expertise of the Service: If you choose a reputable and experienced resume writing service, you may benefit from the expertise of professional writers who understand industry trends and hiring practices. They can provide valuable insights to make your resume stand out.

Personalization and Tailoring: A paid resume service may offer a more personalized and tailored approach to your resume. Professionals can work with you to highlight your strengths, achievements, and unique skills in a way that resonates with employers.

Time and Convenience: If you're short on time or find it challenging to craft a compelling resume, a professional service can save you time and provide a convenient solution. This is particularly valuable if you're in a competitive job market.

Career Transition or Specialized Fields: If you are transitioning to a new career or have specialized skills, paying for a resume review can be beneficial. Professional writers can help you reframe your experiences to make them relevant to your new goals.

Feedback and Improvement: A paid service often includes feedback on your existing resume. This feedback can be valuable for your overall professional development, even if you choose not to proceed with their suggested changes.

Ultimately, the decision to pay for a resume review depends on your priorities, budget, and confidence in your ability to create a compelling resume that effectively showcases your qualifications and experiences.

How do you review a resume

Reviewing a resume involves assessing various aspects to ensure it effectively presents the candidate's qualifications and experiences. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to review a resume;

Format and Layout

Check the overall format and layout of the resume. Ensure it is well-organized, easy to read, and follows a clean and professional design. Look for consistency in font, spacing, and formatting.

Contact Information

Verify that the candidate's contact information is accurate and up-to-date. It includes their name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if included).

Resume Objective or Summary

Evaluate the resume objective or summary. It should provide a concise overview of the candidate's career goals, skills, and what they bring to the table. Ensure it is tailored to the specific job they are applying for.

Work Experience

Review the candidate's work experience section. Check for relevant job titles, company names, and dates of employment. Assess the use of action verbs and quantify achievements where possible. Look for consistency in formatting and bullet points.

Achievements and Responsibilities

Evaluate the candidate's achievements and responsibilities in each role. Ensure they highlight their impact on the organization, including any improvements, projects, or initiatives they were involved in.

Skills Section

Check the skills section to ensure it includes relevant technical and soft skills. Ensure that the skills listed align with the requirements of the job they are applying for. Look for a mix of hard and soft skills.


Review the education section for accuracy. Check that the candidate has included their degree(s), major, graduation date, and the name of the institution. Confirm that the information matches their LinkedIn profile if provided.

Additional Sections

Assess any additional sections, such as certifications, awards, or volunteer experience. Check for relevance and the impact of these experiences on the candidate's overall qualifications.

Keywords and Tailoring

Ensure that the resume includes relevant keywords for the industry and job position. Look for customization to the specific job application, indicating that the candidate has tailored their resume for each opportunity.

Grammar and Spelling

Check for grammatical errors, typos, and spelling mistakes. A professionally reviewed resume exhibits efficiency and dedication to detail.

Overall Impression

Step back and assess the overall impression of the resume. Consider whether it effectively communicates the candidate's strengths, experiences, and suitability for the job.

Readability and Length

Ensure the resume is easy to read and not overly lengthy. A concise and well-organized resume is more likely to capture the attention of hiring managers.

Remember that the specific criteria for reviewing a resume may vary based on the industry, job level, and individual preferences. It's essential to consider both the content and presentation aspects to make a comprehensive assessment.

How do you check resume is good or not

Checking whether a resume is good involves evaluating various elements to ensure it effectively showcases the candidate's qualifications and suitability for the job. Here are key factors to consider when assessing a resume;

Relevance to the Job: Determine if the resume is tailored to the specific job the candidate is applying for. Look for keywords and phrases that align with the job description.

Clarity and Readability: Assess the overall readability of the resume. It should be well-organized, with clear headings, bullet points, and consistent formatting. The information should be easy to follow.

Contact Information: Check that the candidate's contact information is accurate and up-to-date. Ensure they have provided a professional email address and an active phone number.

Objective or Summary: Review the resume objective or summary. It should provide a brief overview of the candidate's career goals and what they bring to the table. A good summary is concise and tailored to the job.

Work Experience: Evaluate the candidate's work experience section. Look for relevant job titles, achievements, and responsibilities. The information should demonstrate the candidate's impact in previous roles.

Achievements and Quantifiable Results: Assess whether the candidate has included achievements and quantifiable results in their work experience. Numbers and specific outcomes help quantify the candidate's contributions.

Skills Section: Check the skills section for a mix of relevant hard and soft skills. Ensure that the listed skills align with the job requirements.

Education: Review the education section to verify the candidate's academic qualifications. Check for the degree earned, major, graduation date, and the name of the institution.

Additional Sections: Assess any additional sections, such as certifications, awards, or volunteer experience. These sections should add value and relevance to the candidate's qualifications.

Consistency and Accuracy: Ensure consistency in formatting, font, and bullet points throughout the resume. Check for accuracy in dates, job titles, and other details.

Grammar and Spelling: Look for grammatical errors, typos, and spelling mistakes. A well-proofread resume reflects attention to detail and professionalism.

Appropriate Length: Consider the length of the resume. A good resume is concise and focused on the most relevant information. Generally, one to two pages is standard for most resumes.

Online Presence : If the applicant offers access to their online portfolio or LinkedIn profile, ensure these include more information about their experiences in the workplace and match up with the CV.

Visual Appeal: Evaluate the overall visual appeal of the resume. A visually pleasing and well-designed document can make a positive impression.

Remember that the specific criteria for a "good" resume may vary based on industry standards and individual preferences. Tailor your assessment to the requirements of the job and consider seeking input from colleagues or mentors for a well-rounded evaluation.

Does LinkedIn do resume review

Yes, LinkedIn offers a free profile review service that can help you optimize your profile and increase your chances of being found by recruiters and hiring managers.

How much does a resume reviewer cost

The cost of a professional resume review can vary widely based on several factors, including the level of expertise of the reviewer, the extent of the service provided, and the geographic location. Here are some general guidelines;

Entry-Level Services: Basic resume review services or online platforms that offer automated feedback might have lower costs, ranging from free to around $50.

Professional Resume Writers: If you opt for a certified professional resume writer (CPRW) or a resume writing service, the cost can range from $100 to $400 or more. These services often provide more personalized and in-depth feedback.

Executive-Level Services: For executives or individuals seeking high-level positions, the cost of a resume review or writing service can go beyond $500 and may even reach into the thousands, particularly if additional services such as executive coaching are included.

Local Market Variances: The cost of resume review services can also vary based on geographic location and local market conditions. Services in metropolitan areas might have higher fees compared to services in smaller towns.

Additional Services: Some providers offer additional services, such as cover letter writing, LinkedIn profile optimization, or career coaching. These services can add to the overall cost.

When choosing a resume review service, it's crucial to consider the reputation of the provider, their expertise in your industry, and the specific services included in the package. Many professional resume writers or services offer free initial consultations, so you can inquire about their process and pricing before making a commitment.

Keep in mind that investing in a professionally reviewed or written resume can be a valuable investment in your career. It's a tool that can significantly impact your job search and overall professional success.

What are resume red flags

Resume red flags are indicators that may suggest potential issues or concerns about a candidate's qualifications, experiences, or suitability for a particular role. While these flags don't necessarily mean a candidate is unsuitable, they may prompt a closer look or additional questions during the hiring process. Here are some common resume red flags;

Employment Gaps: Unexplained or frequent employment gaps may raise questions. Providing context for these gaps in a cover letter or during an interview can help address concerns.

Frequent Job Changes: A pattern of short-term positions or frequent job changes may indicate instability or difficulty in maintaining long-term employment. Hiring managers may seek clarification on this.

Inconsistent Dates: Inaccurate or inconsistent employment dates can raise concerns about attention to detail. Ensure that employment history is presented accurately and consistently.

Overemphasis on Job Titles: If a candidate's resume heavily emphasizes impressive job titles without providing specific achievements or responsibilities, it may raise questions about the substance of their contributions.

Lack of Achievements: A resume that lacks quantifiable achievements or measurable outcomes may indicate a candidate's inability to demonstrate the impact of their work.

Generic or Unfocused Objective: An overly generic or unfocused career objective may suggest that the candidate hasn't tailored their resume for the specific job they're applying for.

Overemphasis on Soft Skills: While soft skills are important, an overemphasis on them without clear examples of relevant hard skills or achievements may raise questions about the candidate's technical qualifications.

Missing Contact Information: A resume missing essential contact information, such as a phone number or professional email address, may suggest lack of attention to detail.

Lack of Education Details: A vague or incomplete education section, such as missing graduation dates or degree information, can raise concerns about the candidate's educational background.

Excessive Jargon or Buzzwords: Overuse of industry jargon or buzzwords without clear context may indicate an attempt to appear knowledgeable without substance. Resumes should balance technical language with clarity.

Inconsistent Formatting: Inconsistent formatting, fonts, or styles throughout the resume may suggest lack of attention to detail or a rushed application.

Unusual Job Titles or Companies: Uncommon job titles or companies that are difficult to verify may prompt further investigation to ensure the legitimacy of the candidate's experiences.

It's important to approach these red flags with an open mind and gather additional information through interviews and reference checks before making final judgments. Candidates may have valid explanations for certain aspects of their resume, and these flags should be considered in the context of the overall candidate profile.

How much does a CV review service cost

The cost of a professional CV review service can vary based on several factors, including the level of expertise of the reviewer, the depth of the service provided, and geographical considerations. Here are some general guidelines;

Basic CV Review Services: Entry-level services or online platforms offering automated CV feedback might be more budget-friendly, ranging from free to around $50.

Certified Professional CV Writers: Opting for a certified professional CV writer (CPRW) or a CV writing service can cost between $100 and $400. These services often provide more personalized and detailed feedback.

Executive-Level Services: For executives or individuals seeking high-level positions, the cost of a CV review or writing service can surpass $500 and may even reach into the thousands, especially if additional services like executive coaching are included.

Geographic Variances: The cost of CV review services can vary based on geographic location and local market conditions. Services in metropolitan areas might have higher fees compared to services in smaller towns.

Additional Services: Some providers offer additional services, such as cover letter writing, LinkedIn profile optimization, or career coaching. These additional services could boost the final price.

Should I pay for a CV writing service

Whether you should pay for a CV writing service depends on various factors, including your specific needs, budget, and confidence in your ability to craft an effective CV. Here are some considerations to help you decide;

Consider Paying for a CV Writing Service If;

Limited Time or Expertise: If you have limited time or lack expertise in creating a compelling CV, a professional CV writing service can save you time and provide a well-crafted document.

Career Transition: If you are undergoing a career transition or applying for positions in a new industry, a professional CV writer can help you tailor your CV to highlight relevant skills and experiences.

Executive-Level Positions: For high-level executive positions, paying for a CV writing service may be beneficial. Executive CVs often require a strategic and polished approach to showcase leadership and achievements.

Need for an Edge in Competitive Fields: In highly competitive fields, a professionally written CV can give you a competitive edge. CV writers know how to frame your experiences to make a strong impact.

Customization and Personalization: Professional CV writers can tailor your CV for specific job applications, ensuring that it aligns with the requirements of the position.

LinkedIn Profile Optimization: Some CV writing services also offer LinkedIn profile optimization as part of their packages, providing a cohesive online presence.

Consider Crafting Your Own CV If;

Budget Constraints: If you are on a tight budget, you might choose to craft your CV yourself. To assist you, a wide variety of online tools and templates are at fingertips.

Confidence in Writing Skills: If you have confidence in your writing skills and are comfortable presenting your experiences, you may not need the assistance of a professional CV writer.

Seeking Entry-Level Positions: For entry-level positions where the emphasis is often on education and potential, you might opt for crafting your CV independently.

Research and Learning: Crafting your own CV allows you to engage in the research process, learning more about effective CV writing and tailoring your document to your unique experiences.

Is Indeed resume worth it

Indeed is a one well-known job search platform that provides resume reviews. Applicants can send their resumes to be reviewed by a professional resume writer, who will offer comments on the layout, organization, and substance of the document. The review will also provide suggestions for improvement and optimization for specific job searches. For job searchers who would want a professional perspective on their resume, Indeed's resume review service can be a helpful resource. It's crucial to remember that the assistance provided is not free. Ultimately, whether or not Indeed’s resume review service is worth it depends on your individual needs and preferences.

What are the best resume writing services

Here is the list of best resume writing services;

  1. hipCV Resume writing service: hipCV employs a group of career consultants, human resources experts to develop resumes that stand out. You will need to fill out a form and provide the job description, your resume and any other necessary details to use the resume writing service. 
  2. Resume Writer Direct: Provides resume and cover letter writing services to job searchers in a broad range of businesses and degrees of expertise, from federal resumes to managerial level applications.
  3. ResumeGo: Provides resume writing services for professionals in various industries, including IT, finance, healthcare, and more.
  4. Let’s Eat, Grandma: Offers resume writing services and career coaching for job seekers at all levels of experience.
  5. Monster: Provides resume writing services for job seekers in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and IT.
  6. The Muse: Offers comprehensive career coaching services, including resume writing, for job seekers at all levels of experience.
  7. TopResume: Provides resume writing services for job seekers in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and IT.
  8. Zipjob: Offers resume writing services for job seekers in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and IT.
  9. Resumewritingservices.org: Provides resume writing services for job seekers in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and IT.
  10. iHire: Offers resume writing services for job seekers in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and IT.

What is Indeed professional resume review

This service is designed to provide job seekers with feedback and guidance on their resumes. Job seekers can submit their resumes to Indeed, and in return, they receive a personalized review and recommendations for improvement. Key features of Indeed's professional resume review service might include;

Feedback on Resume Content: A professional review of the content of the resume, including the overall structure, formatting, and the effectiveness of the provided information.

Keyword Optimization: Suggestions for optimizing the use of keywords to enhance the resume's visibility to applicant tracking systems (ATS) used by employers.

Customized Recommendations: Tailored recommendations based on the specific industry or job type, helping the job seeker align their resume with the expectations of potential employers.

Tips for Improving Visibility: Guidance on how to make the resume stand out and attract the attention of employers, recruiters, and hiring managers.

Clarity and Readability: Feedback on the overall clarity and readability of the resume to ensure that it effectively communicates the job seeker's qualifications.

What is 5 rules for professional CV writing

Creating a professional CV (Curriculum Vitae) is crucial for making a positive impression on potential employers. Here are five rules for professional CV writing;

Clarity and Conciseness: Ensure that your CV is clear, concise, and well-organized. Use clear headings, bullet points, and an easy-to-read font. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on presenting relevant information. Aim for a document that is typically no longer than two pages.

Tailoring to the Job: Customize your CV for each job application. Highlight the skills, experiences, and achievements that are most relevant to the specific job you're applying for. Use keywords from the job description to show alignment with the employer's requirements.

Professional Summary/Objective: Include a brief professional summary or objective at the beginning of your CV. It should provide a snapshot of your skills, experiences, and career goals. Tailor this section to match the requirements of the job you're applying for.

Quantify Achievements: Determine your accomplishments with accurate numbers or percentages wherever you can. This adds credibility to your accomplishments and gives employers a clearer understanding of your impact in previous roles. For example, mention the percentage of sales growth you achieved or the number of projects you successfully managed.

Showcase Transferable Skills: Emphasize your key transferable skills for the position. These are transferable talents that can be used in a variety of businesses and occupations. Examples include communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership. Emphasize how these skills have contributed to your success in previous positions.

Remember that CV writing can be subjective, and different industries or countries may have specific preferences. It's advisable to stay updated on industry trends and seek feedback from mentors or colleagues. Additionally, proofread your CV carefully to ensure there are no typos or grammatical errors. A polished and well-presented CV increases your chances of making a positive impression on potential employers.

How much do LinkedIn resume writers cost

The cost of LinkedIn profile writing services varies depending on the package you choose. The LinkedIn Write-up service costs $99 on its own. However, if you purchase the Professional ($229) or Premium ($339) resume writing package, you’ll get the LinkedIn service for no additional charge.

How do I find a resume writer

Finding a qualified and reputable resume writer involves several steps. Here's a guide to help you locate a professional resume writer;

Online Search: Start with an online search using search engines like Google. Use keywords such as "professional resume writer" along with your location or industry.

LinkedIn Recommendations: Utilize LinkedIn to search for and connect with professional resume writers. Look for writers who have recommendations or endorsements from clients. Many resume writers actively use LinkedIn to showcase their expertise.

Job Search Platforms: Job search platforms like Indeed or LinkedIn often feature resume writing services. Browse through the profiles of resume writers, read reviews, and consider their qualifications.

Referrals: Ask for recommendations from friends, colleagues, or mentors who may have used resume writing services in the past. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into the quality of a writer's work.

Compare Prices and Services: Compare the prices and services offered by different resume writers. While cost is a factor, prioritize the quality of the service and the writer's understanding of your industry.

Is top resume worth it

Here are some factors to consider when determining if TopResume is worth it for you;

Professional Expertise

TopResume claims to have a network of experienced writers, including recruiters and career coaches. Consider the expertise of the writers and whether they have experience in your industry or field.

Resume Quality

Look for samples of resumes created by TopResume writers to assess the quality of their work. This can give you an idea of their writing style and ability to create effective resumes.

Service Offerings

Review the specific services offered by TopResume. Ensure that the package you choose aligns with your needs, whether it's resume writing, LinkedIn profile optimization, or other career-related services.

Customer Reviews

Read reviews from previous customers to get insights into their experiences with TopResume. Reviews can provide valuable information about the effectiveness of the service and the satisfaction of clients.

Cost Considerations

Evaluate the cost of TopResume services in relation to your budget. Consider whether the investment aligns with the potential benefits of having a professionally written resume.


TopResume offers a 60-day interview guarantee with its two most expensive plans. Consider whether such guarantees are important to you and how they contribute to your confidence in the service.

Additional Features

Check if TopResume offers additional features, such as a consultation with a writer, phone communication, or other personalized services. These features may influence your decision.

Your Writing Skills

Consider your own writing skills and comfort level in creating a resume. If you feel confident in crafting a compelling document, you might weigh the benefits of a professional service differently.

Career Stage

Your career stage and goals can impact the value of a professional resume writing service. For example, executives seeking high-level positions may find more value in such services.

Before deciding, it's advisable to contact TopResume for more information, ask questions, and clarify any concerns you may have. Additionally, compare TopResume with other reputable resume writing services to find the one that best meets your requirements.

Does LinkedIn help with resumes

LinkedIn primarily focuses on professional networking and creating an online presence for individuals and businesses. While LinkedIn itself is not a resume writing service, it does offer features that can complement and enhance your resume;

LinkedIn Profile: Your LinkedIn profile serves as an online resume. It includes sections for your summary, experience, education, skills, and recommendations. Optimizing your LinkedIn profile can strengthen your online professional identity.

Resume Builder: LinkedIn has a built-in resume builder that allows you to convert your LinkedIn profile into a formatted resume. This feature can be helpful for quickly generating a resume based on your LinkedIn information.

Job Search: LinkedIn provides a job search platform where you can find job postings, research companies, and apply for positions. Many employers and recruiters also use LinkedIn to search for potential candidates.

Networking Opportunities: LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool. Building connections, participating in groups, and engaging with industry professionals can open up networking opportunities that may lead to job opportunities or valuable insights.

Skills Endorsements and Recommendations: LinkedIn allows others to endorse your skills and write recommendations based on their experiences working with you. These endorsements and recommendations can provide additional credibility.

Visibility to Recruiters: Having a well-optimized LinkedIn profile increases your visibility to recruiters who actively use the platform to find potential candidates. Ensure your profile showcases your skills, experiences, and accomplishments effectively.

While LinkedIn can be a valuable tool in your job search, it's essential to remember that your resume and LinkedIn profile serve different purposes. Your resume is typically tailored for specific job applications, while your LinkedIn profile is a more dynamic representation of your professional identity. If you're seeking professional assistance with your resume, there are specialized resume writing services that can provide personalized support. LinkedIn itself does not offer resume writing services, but it can be a valuable platform for networking, job searching, and creating an online professional presence.

Trusted by professionals

HipCV is a super quick way to build a resumé that looks great and clearly highlights all important info to the employer.

I have previously struggled with terrible Word templates when putting together resumés, no more of that now!

Well done! 👌😁

Linus Aarnio Linus Aarnio

Well done, this is great.

I was a CV advisor at my university when studying for my PhD and having seen hundreds and worked with students to improve them I can say layout and white space is the number one thing that improves a CV initially and hipCV has solved this really well.

Simon Barker Simon Barker

Awesome idea and product!

Also gives you an overview who has actually looked at your CV instead of sending them everywhere and then not knowing if they're even being opened and read!

Philip Z Philip Z