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Registered nurse skills: Resume and cover letter

Registered nurses require both hard and soft skills to perform their job effectively. Hard skills are technical abilities and knowledge, while soft skills are personal traits and interpersonal abilities. Here are some hard and soft skills to include in a registered nurse resume and cover letter;

Monitoring patient's vital signs

Image for part: Monitoring patient's vital signs

A nurse must maintain the patient's vital signs within the appropriate range. Achieving this requires a deep technical understanding of the subject matter, including the ability to monitor parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, urine output, temperature, and others. Possessing these skills is crucial because they enable doctors to determine the most effective treatment approach for their patients.

Emergency medical care

To provide effective nursing care, it is essential to have knowledge and skills in emergency medical care. As a nurse, you may encounter critical situations that involve life and death, and being familiar with appropriate emergency medical care protocols can help stabilize the patient until a doctor arrives for further diagnosis and treatment.

Patient safety protocol

Patient safety is of utmost importance and it is the nurse's responsibility to ensure that patients are treated in a sterile and safe environment. In the event of a breach, the nurse should have an understanding of patient safety protocols that must be followed to maintain the patient's vital signs. Adhering to patient safety protocols is critical for successful treatment outcomes.

Informing patients and families

One of the responsibilities of a nurse is to provide education to both the patient and their family regarding post-discharge routines. Whether it's a complex surgery or a minor injury that requires a few stitches, the nurse must educate them on the appropriate steps to take to ensure a smooth recovery process. It includes providing information on what foods to eat, activities to avoid, and the ideal routine to follow. The nurse must address these issues with both the patient and their family to ensure that the patient achieves a full and sustainable recovery.

Knowledge of technology

In modern healthcare institutions, technology plays a critical role in streamlining processes and enhancing the quality of patient care. It is essential for nurses to have a good understanding of the relevant technology used in their workplace and be able to navigate it efficiently. By doing so, they can contribute to providing a better experience for patients.

Other resources on registered nurse; how to write a registered nurse resume, how to become a registered nurse, how to write a registered nurse cover letter, registered nurse resume sample


Communication is a vital aspect of a nurse's role in any healthcare setting. Nurses must communicate effectively with doctors, patients, their families, and administration teams. Effective communication is a crucial soft skill that allows nurses to convey a patient's concerns to the doctor, explain a doctor's diagnosis and treatment plan to the patient and their family, and inform the administration of any necessary plans of action. The nurse's role is critical in ensuring the seamless functioning of a healthcare facility.

Mental fortitude and physical endurance

Mental fortitude and physical endurance are essential attributes for nurses. Despite not being commonly viewed as skills, they are crucial to the success of a nurse. Nurses face medical challenges daily and must possess the mental strength to handle stressful situations that would normally affect most people. Additionally, nurses have demanding work hours and must be able to manage their time effectively to complete their tasks efficiently. It is challenging to thrive as a nurse without the ability to keep up with their schedule and manage their time effectively.

Problem-solving skills

A significant aspect of a nurse's role involves quickly resolving immediate issues that arise in emergency situations. To be an effective healthcare provider, a nurse must possess critical thinking skills and be able to anticipate the consequences of various actions. However, critical thinking alone is only half of the equation. A nurse's ability to make decisions and address complex problems, both administrative and ethical, is a crucial soft skill that is essential to their role.

Ethical practice

Nurses are responsible for providing the highest possible level of healthcare services to patients, ensuring their full recovery. However, in doing so, nurses must strictly follow a code of ethics to ensure that their actions are in the best interest of both the patient and the hospital, considering legal liability.

Team player

A nurse is part of a team that includes doctors and other healthcare professionals. Therefore, it is essential for a nurse to be an excellent team player to be successful in their role. It is a critical skill that every nursing professional must develop and prioritize in their nursing resume.

Tips for nurse skills on a resume

Here are some tips for highlighting your nurse skills on a resume;

  1. Focus on relevant skills: Ensure that you include the most relevant nursing skills for the position you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a pediatric nurse position, highlight your experience working with children and your knowledge of child-specific medical procedures.
  2. Use action verbs: Begin bullet points with strong action verbs to describe your nursing skills. For example, use verbs such as "administered," "monitored," "evaluated," "assessed," and "coordinated."
  3. Be specific: Provide specific examples of how you have used your nursing skills in previous roles. For instance, instead of simply stating that you have experience with wound care, mention that you have experience in assessing, cleansing, and dressing various types of wounds.
  4. Highlight certifications: If you have obtained any nursing certifications, make sure to include them on your resume. This demonstrates that you have taken the initiative to develop your skills and knowledge in specific areas of nursing.
  5. Emphasize teamwork: Nursing often requires collaboration and teamwork. Make sure to highlight your ability to work effectively with other healthcare professionals, such as doctors, pharmacists, and other nurses.
  6. Demonstrate empathy: Nursing is a profession that requires empathy and compassion. Highlight your ability to provide emotional support to patients and their families.
  7. Showcase your education: Highlight your nursing education, including your degree, any specialized training, and your nursing license. It will demonstrate that you have the necessary qualifications to perform the job.
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