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What to include in a one-page resume

The initial impression an employer has of you is depended on your resume. It's why your resume must be well-structured and easily readable. It is also why your resume should be as concise and to-the-point as possible. A one-page resume allows you to introduce your skills and work background concisely, allowing the recruiter to see how well matched you are to the role at a brief look. And, if the employer manages received resumes with ATS software, you are more probably to be picked if you have a tailored one-page resume instead of a long and wordy resume that spans a few pages. In this post, we will discuss how to make a one-page resume.

Tips for writing a single-page resume

Image for part: Tips for writing a single-page resume

Here are some things to think about when constructing a one-page resume;

  • Provide contact details 

At the beginning of your resume, include your name, job position, and contact data. It's correct for all resumes, but it is certainly relevant for one-page resumes. You would like to make certain that the recruiter recognizes where to forward an interview invitation. To save space, and make them stand out highlight your name and job role in bold and only a few points sizes bigger than the rest of the content. Because the prospective employer will most likely contact you via email or phone, you don't have to add your complete address, only your city and state are usually preferable.

  • Give your previous relevant job experience

If you already have more than 3-4 past employment, choose two that are most closely related to the position for which you are qualifying. Pick two or three of the most applicable and latest roles that prove your expertise if your job record is comprehensive. Briefly discuss the employer name, your role, job duration you were there, duties and tasks that qualified you for this job. Remember to include key phrases from the job requirements.

  • Mention your abilities on a single line

Rather than compiling a record of skills in bullet points, place everything on one line. For every ability, use one word or a short phrase. It saves space and enables it simple for the recruiter to see what skills you have to offer.

  • Consolidate job experience

You may just have operated at three different organizations doing routine jobs. Because professional experience is the main factor, incorporate those businesses into a single item on your resume. Make a list of all the relevant duties you completed at all three. If you held various titles at every job, only indicate your top position.

  • Add adequate education

Put any applicable university degrees and other academic accomplishments. It includes any credentials and training you may have obtained or achieved. Consider if the recruiter will be interested in learning about any other schooling you have and if it would enable you to do the work for which you are applying. If so, compile a list of it.

  • Allow the employer to request references

When it is common practice to include the phrase 'references available upon request on your job application, you can save room by omitting this line. Irrespective of whether your resume states this, the recruiter will certainly request references during the interview. You should also avoid including hobbies, interests, or volunteer activities if they are unrelated to the position. If the employer is curious about this, they will request you during the interview.

  • Use statistics and figures

A spelled-out amount occupies more room than its corresponding digit. So rather than one, use one, and rather than hundred, utilize hundred. It is not only a space-saving approach but also a graphic tactic to make the space more appealing. You can be certain that the recruiter will observe these numbers if they pertain to essential statistics.

  • Employ industry-relevant abbreviations

Add acronyms that are commonly used in your industry whenever possible. For instance, if you're searching for a position in technology, you can use abbreviations like SaaS and SEO without having to spell them out.

  • Remove any extra words

Examine your resume for terms and expressions that are unnecessary. Consider leaving those words out if the statement still makes sense. You might be able to substitute a three-word term with one word, or a lengthy word with a shorter one. Rather than saying 'My everyday responsibilities involved' say 'Daily tasks involved'.

  • Decrease page margins

Usually, your resume must have one-inch page margins on all sides. To save room on a single-page resume, minimize this to a half-inch border all around. A one-inch margin is better suited, so only use this if essential.

  • Reduce font sizes

If you're using Arial or another common font, fit it to normal size 12 points. If you do require more space on your resume, you can generally lower the font size to 11.5-11 points and make it readable for a significant portion of viewers. Just your name and job position have to be in a bigger font for contact details. Remember that everything smaller than 10 point typeface is considered hard to read by a lot of readers.

  • Create bullet points

Condense your ideas into two-statement bullet lists. It will aid you to optimize space while also making your resume more precise. The employer can quickly locate the details they require.

  • Use different formatting techniques

You can also try some formatting tactics to maintain everything on one page.

  1. Indentation for paragraphs and bullet points should be adjusted.
  2. Lower the amount of space that exists between paragraphs and sections.
  3. Add a small column on the document's right side to mention skills and contact details.
  • Save and send as PDF file

Only if the job description specifies otherwise, save and submit your resume as a PDF. As PDF is the preferred file type for resumes, it also preserves the formatting of your file. It implies that the recruiter will view your one-page resume exactly the way it was formatted on your computer.

These suggestions will assist you in creating a one-page resume that includes all of the details about you and the experience that a potential employer requires.

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