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Property manager skills: Resume and cover letter

The management of commercial and residential properties on a day-to-day basis is the responsibility of property managers who possess industry-specific knowledge and soft skills to perform their duties efficiently. If you're considering a career as a property manager, familiarizing yourself with the crucial skills required for the job can enhance your prospects of finding the right role and advancing your career. This article outlines the essential property manager skills, provides a list of the core competencies for the position, and offers advice on how to develop these abilities.

What are property manager skills

Image for part: What are property manager skills

Property manager skills are a distinct group of abilities that enable them to carry out their duties and obligations proficiently. Among the numerous responsibilities property managers undertake are property maintenance, tenant and vendor management, financial management, marketing available rental units, and acting as an intermediary between the property owner and tenants. In addition to liaising with tenants and addressing their concerns, property managers frequently collaborate with maintenance and cleaning staff and external vendors such as painters, electricians, plumbers, and carpenters. Property managers' specific skill sets differ depending on the type of property they manage. For instance, commercial property managers must possess a deep understanding of commercial leases, whereas residential property managers deal with residential tenant agreements. While property managers' responsibilities may differ based on their job and organization, certain fundamental hard and soft skills can assist them in performing their tasks effectively. A combination of skills such as communication, financial management, organization, and basic building maintenance knowledge can help property managers excel in their roles.

List of property manager skills

The following are key competencies that can assist you in thriving in your role as a property manager and progressing in your profession;

Communication skills

Interacting with multiple stakeholders, such as landlords, existing and potential tenants, contractors, and real estate vendors, is a routine part of a property manager's job. Effective communication skills are essential for resolving conflicts, calming agitated tenants, advertising vacant properties, and cultivating solid professional relationships with all stakeholders. Improving active listening, courteous and articulate verbal communication, and clear writing skills can aid in dealing with a range of situations and engaging with stakeholders through various channels, including phone, email, text, or face-to-face meetings. Being easily accessible to address tenant requests and inquiries promptly can establish credibility with all stakeholders.

Organizational skills

Most of the tasks that property managers undertake in their daily work routine are administrative, such as recording rental payments, revising rental and lease agreements, and managing maintenance and financial records for the property. Maintaining an orderly and comprehensive record of all transactions simplifies planning and coordinating multiple responsibilities. Adopting digital tools like spreadsheets, accounting applications, and cloud storage can facilitate the organization and management of work-related documents and transactions.

Marketing skills

Marketing the properties to potential tenants is a vital component of property management. Familiarity with fundamental marketing techniques such as crafting captivating social media posts, composing attention-grabbing property descriptions, and producing imaginative property tour videos can aid in attracting suitable tenants. Enrolling in an online marketing course to enhance your marketing abilities can also benefit your employer and facilitate career advancement opportunities.

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Customer service skills

Possessing excellent customer service skills is a prized asset for property managers, enabling them to interact effectively with current and potential tenants. Enhancing customer service abilities can aid in addressing tenants' inquiries and resolving their complaints and concerns with professionalism, composure, and efficiency. Prioritizing customer service can also facilitate improved tenant relationships and increased tenant retention rates.

Rental and other real estate laws

Acquiring knowledge of relevant national, state, and local regulations concerning tenancies can facilitate handling customer inquiries precisely and proficiently. Moreover, comprehending these laws can assist in explaining the lease agreement's various regulations and terms to tenants before signing. Know that rental laws and taxation rules are subject to change, and remaining up-to-date with the latest regulations can enable you to excel in your position and provide accurate guidance to present and prospective tenants.

Money management skills

As property managers, it is their responsibility to manage the finances, budgets and accounting for properties within their portfolio. Proficiency in money management can aid in precisely monitoring all inbound and outbound payments. In addition to bookkeeping and accounting, possessing a fundamental knowledge of property taxation can assist in saving taxes for your employer. To reduce the workload, utilizing property management tools and software can be advantageous for tracking income and expenses and rent collection.


Property managers often encounter stressful situations such as dealing with late or missing rental payments, tenant disputes, and conflicts with contractors and maintenance vendors. Building skills in adaptability and flexibility can aid in managing these situations calmly. Demonstrating empathy towards tenants can help understand their concerns and enable negotiating suitable solutions with them, ultimately building trust and gaining their respect.


Although adaptability is valuable, certain situations call for assertiveness. Challenging scenarios like collecting late rental payments from tenants or removing problematic tenants necessitate dealing with the situation calmly, respectfully, and assertively. Maintaining a meticulously organized record of late or absent payments, neighbor complaints, and breaches of contract enables you to provide tenants with concise descriptions of the situation, supported by adequate evidence.

Technical skills

To monitor and keep track of tenant and contractor payments, property managers rely heavily on various digital tools and software. Having a strong command over these tools can help reduce your workload and improve your work efficiency. It is essential to stay updated with the latest property management tools, such as online rental collection portals and digital tenant contracts, to provide a better customer experience and gain a competitive edge in the workplace.

Building maintenance skills

If you work as a property manager, it's beneficial to have a fundamental knowledge of building operations, as it can help you perform your duties effectively. This knowledge allows you to recognize potential maintenance issues and notify the relevant contractors and communicate the situation clearly to tenants who are concerned. You can also prioritize maintenance tasks based on their importance and severity. By learning basic maintenance skills such as minor electrical repairs, plumbing, and carpentry work, you can provide additional value to customers, which improves your competency and relevance at work.

Tips for enhancing property management skills

Below are some suggestions that can aid you in cultivating and strengthening your skills in property management;

  1. Engage in lifelong learning: Staying informed about updates in rental regulations, laws at both local and national levels, and emerging trends within the real estate industry will help you remain current in your field and provide added value to your clients and employers.
  2. Foster a positive mindset: As part of their duties, property managers frequently deal with disputes and must resolve them skillfully. Developing a constructive, solution-oriented attitude will enable you to address these matters amicably and maintain a professional image.
  3. Consider enrolling in certifications and courses that are pertinent to your field. Participating in skill-development webinars or training programs can provide you with practical tips and insights for honing particular abilities. Obtaining relevant certifications can give you an edge in the hiring process by enhancing the appeal of your resume.
  4. In addition, being self-motivated is key to becoming a successful property manager. Those who are dedicated to self-learning and growth can attain their goals and improve their skills by attending industry seminars, real estate fairs, and other events.
  5. Utilize your mistakes as opportunities to learn and improve your skills, as successful property managers do. For instance, if you are lacking in proficiency in bookkeeping and accounting, you can seek the guidance of more experienced colleagues or enroll in courses to address this deficiency.
  6. Additionally, expanding your professional network can be beneficial. Connecting with other professionals in your field can help you refine your communication abilities, enhance your confidence, and foster relationships with individuals in your community. It can also present you with the chance to encounter new vendors, enabling you to secure advantageous maintenance contracts.
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