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Star interview questions

While prospective employers are still impressed with your hard skills and previous job results, they will find much of that from your resume. That's why the trick to performing an interview is to share fantastic stories about your previous successes when it comes to securing the position. We may all be specialists in our profession, but that doesn't indicate that we're professional storytellers and, that is where the STAR approach steps in to save the day.

To assess if an applicant is the best choice for a position, employers ask behavioural interview questions. While the skills you have mentioned in your resume might be compatible with the job requirements, the interviewer still wants to verify that you can manage the unique circumstances required for the job. The STAR interview technique will enable you to plan, prepare, and train for this aspect of the recruitment phase.

The STAR method is a technique designed to assist people have meaningful responses that include adequately-formed introduction, middles, and conclusions. STAR signifies the situation, the task at play, the action you have taken, and the actual result. This technique helps you to convey a seamless tale beginning with the context, heading to the specific task given, proceeding to the action you took and concluding with the result of what occurred in this actual situation.

During the interview process, the STAR technique is essential since many applicants have difficulty concentrating their narratives on data that can help them persuade the interviewer. Even if an individual mentions a scenario in which he was the role model, the meaning may get stuck in translation if it is not well expressed. A sloppy story may mislead an interviewer or even offend them, and that is the reverse of an ideal result. The STAR method allows applicants to navigate in a rational, consistent way via their stories.

Interview preparation using the STAR method

Image for part: Interview preparation using the STAR method

Although you would not know the questions of the interview in advance, most behavioral interviews would take into account different work-related problems that illustrate strategic thinking and problem-solving and cases that display communication skills, dispute resolution, and under pressure results. Check the job specifications and necessary abilities to prep for your interview, and determine what kinds of difficulties may occur or what challenges you might have to overcome in the role.

Then, create a description of the various scenarios you have dealt with in your working experience that will demonstrate the kinds of attributes you'll require to excel in the job. If you're fresh to the workforce and don't have a long job experience to pick from, explore instances you've done from work placements, volunteer activities, or group projects for school. Hiring managers might ask you to provide a non-work-related illustration in some contexts, so mention the difficulties or barriers that you have faced in your personal life as well. No matter what anecdotes you want to tell, ensure you describe a scenario, mission, action, and outcome, and highlight the core relevant skills and capabilities for the job.

STAR Method to answer interview questions

The STAR method is beneficial because it offers a clear context for helping an applicant tell a positive story about a past job experience. So, let's take down the structure. STAR is a term that represents:

  • Situation: Paint the picture and present your scenario with the required information.
  • Task: Explain what was your duty in that case.
  • Action: Clarify what initiatives you have taken to tackle it.
  • Result: Reveal what outcomes have been accomplished by your acts.

The first phase is to determine what the letters stand for and, then you ought to understand how to apply it. To offer accurate STAR interview responses, consider this bit-by-bit procedure.  

Formulate a working experience situation 

The STAR interview technique will not be beneficial to you if you utilize it to organize a response using a completely unrelated story. That's why the vital initial step is to identify an apt situation that you can build on from your professional experience. There's no option for you to anticipate what the interviewer might question you in advance. With that in mind, in the later section of this article, we have created a list of behavioral questions that can provide you an overview of the type of questions an interviewer can ask. Come up with ideas a few indicators of specific accomplishments in your former career and reflect on how to use the STAR method to illustrate that progress. If you're having trouble throughout your interview to come up with a situation that fits, then don't be afraid to ask for a moment.

Establish the scenario - Situation

 It is a way to establish the scene with your story picked. It is enticing to include all kinds of irrelevant information, especially when your emotions get the most of you. But if, for instance, the interviewer wants you to inform them about a time when you didn't fulfill the standards of a customer, they don't have to hear the details of how you hired the customer three years ago or the complete background of the project. Your aim here is to create a simple view of the situation you were in and highlight its dynamics so that the outcome you concentrate on later appears that much profound. Keep it concise and emphasize why your message is undoubtedly valuable. People give too much information often, and their responses are quite extensive. For every letter of the acronym, focus on either one or two lines.

Example of establishing a scenario

Interviewer - Tell us of a time when you accomplished an objective that you felt was out of scope at first.

Reply - In my former digital marketing position, my agency decided to concentrate mainly on email campaigns and was trying to expand its number of email subscriptions very strongly. 


Situational interview questions concentrate on future related hypothetical events. Instead of providing an actual incident to the interviewer and how you approached it from your previous work experience, a situational response discusses how you could perhaps behave in a scenario that could occur in the future of the business.

Spotlight on the task assigned - Task

You are sharing this anecdote for a purpose because you had some amount of central interest in it. That's the feature of your response when you allow the interviewer to know where you can align.

The task part of the STAR technique may be misleading for the action portion of the reply. It aims at providing the specifics of your previous responsibilities were in that given context and any set objective for you.  

Example of a task assigned.

My goal was to raise our email list by at least 60 percent in six months as the email marketing manager.

Describe the action - Action

Now that you have given an impression of what your job was to the interviewer, it's essential to clarify what you did. What measures have you taken to achieve that goal or fix that issue?

It is your opportunity to highlight your commitment, and it's capable of some details. Dig a bit deeper to ensure you provide clarity of precisely what you've done. For instance, Have you partnered with a particular group? Did you use a specific type of technology? Whether you created a comprehensive proposal? The details that your interviewer requires to know are such.

Example of action

I began by switching back via our previous blog articles and introducing updates to content that promoted email subscriptions, which instantly gave a raise to our list. Then, I managed to organize and host a webinar with the help of a marketing staff that needed an email address to enroll, which pushed more potential customers into our database.

 Present the desired result - Result 

Now is the chance to shine and justify how an optimistic shift has happened because of you. Discuss the outcome of the action you have set to achieve goals in the final phase of your reply. And it's naturally best to encourage the result, or else it's not a story that you can communicate.

Does it indicate that you can't share details about difficulties or problems? It's not. However, even though you're going to talk about a moment you've lost or made a blunder, make sure that by communicating about what you've learned or the measures you've taken to change, you wind up on a positive point. Note, not only do interviewers value what you achieved, they want to know the importance as well. So remember to shine a light on the fact regarding any outcomes you have obtained and, when you can, measure them. Statistics are compelling and influencing, so share about it to persuade the interviewer.

Example of result 

I was able to raise our subscription list from 15,000 to 30,000 users in five months as a part of these improvements to our email campaign, exceeding our target by nearly 15 percent.

STAR technique example

Interviewer: Describe a time while you had to be quite tactical to fulfill all of your main concerns.

Applicant's Reply

  • Job - Situation - In my former sales job, I was in charge of the transition to a new customer relationship management program in addition to managing my regular sales responsibilities.
  • Tasks Assigned - The aim was to finalize the conversion to the latest CRM database by the third quarter, without making any of my other sales figures fall below my goals.
  • Action-Taken - I needed to be cautious about how I spent all of my time. So, on my schedule, I blocked off an hour per day to devote exclusively to the relocation of CRM. I focused on moving the data during that period, as well as wiping out previous clients and upgrading obsolete records. It also allowed me sufficient time to chip away at that task while still performing my regular activities.
  • Results Achieved - As an outcome, the migration of customer data was complete three weeks before the deadline, and I ended the quarter 10 percent advance of my target sales.

Initially, the STAR interview approach for responding to behavioral interview questions may seem a bit daunting. With some preparation, however, it will be completely automatic. And so, training is something you can certainly do. Whether in a mock interview or just preparing your responses in front of the mirror. Practice your reply so that it feels natural and relaxed when you're finally in the interview. You will realize that behavioral interview questions are not a challenge but more of an opportunity to showcase your impressive credentials with only a little planning and strategy.

Top Behavioural Interview Questions

Behavioral interview determines that your elevator-speech is set a few narratives ready and a better sense of what you have to propose. How to do that, then? Plenty of preparation and practice. 

Here is a list of top behavioral interview questions, organized by subject, to assist you effectively to train for your upcoming interview.

Behavioral interview questions - Teamwork-related

These questions require you to tell a story that shows your willingness to function in stressful conditions with others. Think of team-conflicts, challenging project limitations, or competing personalities.

  • Speak about a point when you had to collaborate with a colleague who was unique from your character.
  • State an instance of a time when you disagreed while working with a group. How did you manage it?
  • Define a moment when you were trying to develop a positive association with another. How did you finally solve that?
  • We are all making errors that we hope we can take back with us. Describe a time when you thought you'd treated a circumstance with a co-worker differently.
  • Tell me about the time it took you to obtain data from somebody who's not receptive. How did you deal with it?

Behavioral interview questions - Time management-related

In other terms, be prepared to speak about a time when you managed to balance various duties, flawlessly arranged everything, and finished it all before the completion date.

  • Give me an example of a time when you had to be rather tactical to achieve all your actual goals.
  • Define a long-term venture you've been overseeing. How did you keep it all moving forward reasonably?
  • Often it's not practical to get anything on your to-do list completed. Tell me about a time when your roles were a bit stressful. What did you do about it?
  • Talk about the time you set yourself a target. How did you achieve your goal?
  • Share a situation when you were performing various duties. How did you approach it?

Behavioral interview questions - Communication-related

Perhaps you will not have any difficulty thinking about a narrative about communication problems because it's not only an aspect of most professions; it's part of life. The thing to consider here, though, is to speak regarding your train of thought or planning as well. 

  • Tell me an instance of a situation when you were able to convince someone effectively to see things your manner at the workplace.
  • Give an example of a time when you were the resident technological professional. What have you done to ensure that everybody can better understand you?
  • Tell me regarding a time when you had to depend on written correspondence to get your thoughts across to your colleagues. 
  • Share an example of a time when you had to clarify something relatively intricate to a dissatisfied customer. How have you treated this sensitive situation?
  • Illustrate your excellent presentation experience and why you believe it was a success.

Behavioral interview questions - Customer-management-related

If the position you're interviewing for interacts with customers, be prepared for one of these, for sure. Consider an example of a time when you served your organization or group effectively and provided excellent customer service.

  • Identify a period in which having a positive impression on a customer was valuable. How did you do this?
  • Consider giving me an actual example when you were not able to deliver the requirements of a customer. What has changed, and how have you been working to address the problem?
  • Describe a time when you ensured a client was happy with your service.
  • Characterize a moment when you had to work with a troublesome customer. What was the case, and how were you coping with it?
  • When you're dealing with a wide range of customers, it's not easy to provide them all with outstanding service. How do you evaluate the demands of the clients?

Behavioral interview questions - Accomplishments, Motivation

In reality, several odd questions about interviews are efforts to learn about what inspires you. Optimally, the answer would explicitly discuss it even if the query was not clear about it.

  • Share about your crowning career achievement.
  • Discuss a moment when you found an issue and took steps to fix it instead of hoping that someone else can do it.
  • Think of a time when you were operating under close oversight or incredibly loose control. How did you tackle it?
  •  Provide a situation when you were willing to be imaginative with your project. What was fascinating or complicated about that?
  • Describe a time when you were disappointed with your job. What do you think can help to boost it?

Behavioral interview questions - Adaptability

Circumstances of uncertainty are ideal for something. Speak about a recent career crisis that you have been effectively addressing. Find a message or silver-lining you took from the experience, even though your guidance did not feel suitable and relevant in the given scenario.

  • Think about a time when there was a great deal of pressure on you. What was happening, and how did you get over that?
  • Specify a time when there was some transition in your team or business. How did it affect you, and how did you accommodate it?
  • Explain about the initial job experience. What did you do to master the strings?
  • Think about a time when you had to think quickly to get rid of a challenging or uncomfortable situation in a careful way.
  • Explain a time when you were unsuccessful. How did you address the circumstance?

What is the STAR interview method

The STAR method is a way to answer behavioral interview questions by giving clear examples from your past experiences. Here’s how it works:


  1. What it is: Describe the background of the situation you were in.
  2. How to do it: Give enough details to help the interviewer understand where you were and what was going on.
  3. Example: “At my previous company, I was leading a team responsible for launching a new marketing campaign. We faced a sudden budget cut just before the campaign was set to go live.”


  1. What it is: Explain the specific task or challenge you faced.
  2. How to do it: Outline what you needed to do or the problem you had to solve.
  3. Example: “My job was to modify the campaign plan to meet the new spending limit and meet our schedules and marketing objectives.”


  1. What it is: Describe what you did to handle the task or challenge.
  2. How to do it: Focus on what actions you took personally and any skills you used.
  3. Example: “I went over the campaign's elements to see where we might make savings without compromising quality. I negotiated with vendors for better rates and reallocated budget to prioritize the most impactful elements of the campaign. I also updated the team on the changes and revised our project timeline.”


  1. What it is: Share the outcome of what you did.
  2. How to do it: Highlight the positive results or improvements and, if possible, provide numbers or specifics. Mention what you learned or how it helped the organization.
  3. Example: "We were able to effectively execute the campaign on schedule and within the updated budget. The campaign generated a 20% increase in leads compared to previous campaigns, and we received commendations from upper management for our adaptability and efficiency.”

How do I use the STAR method in interviews

Using the STAR method in interviews helps you answer questions about your past experiences in a clear and organized way. Here’s how to use it;

Understand the Question

  1. What to do: Listen closely to what the interviewer is asking. They might say things like "Tell me about a time when..." or "Give an example of..."

Choose a Relevant Example

  1. What to do: Pick a specific situation from your past that matches the question. Make sure it relates to the skills or experience they’re asking about.

Structure Your Answer Using STAR

  1. Situation: Describe the setting or background.
  2. Example: “When I worked as a sales associate, a significant client was unsatisfied with our services.”
  3. Task: Explain what you were supposed to do.
  4. Example: “I had to resolve the problem right away and win back the client's confidence in our business.”
  5. Action: Detail what you did to solve the problem.
  6. Example: “I contacted the client, expressed my regret, and collaborated with our group to find a solution. I also offered a free service to make up for the trouble.”
  7. Result: Share the outcome of your actions.
  8. Example: “The client was happy with the resolution and stayed with us. We also got positive feedback, which improved our customer satisfaction scores.”

Practice Your Responses

  1. What to do: Practice your answers to common behavioral questions. This will make you more confident and clear during the interview.

Be Concise and Focused

  1. What to do: Keep your answers straightforward and on topic. Avoid giving extra details or going off track.

Using STAR helps you give well-organized answers that clearly show your skills and experiences.

What are the examples of STAR interview question

Here are some common examples of STAR interview questions;

  1. Problem-Solving: “Tell me about a time when you faced a significant problem at work. How did you handle it?”
  2. Teamwork: “Describe a situation where you had to work closely with a team to achieve a goal. What was your role, and what was the outcome?”
  3. Leadership: “Give me an example of a time when you took the lead on a project. What was the situation, and how did you lead the team?”
  4. Conflict Resolution: “Can you share an experience where you had a disagreement with a coworker or manager? How did you resolve it?”
  5. Adaptability: “Tell me about a time when you had to adjust to a major change at work. How did you manage the transition?”
  6. Achievement: “Describe a significant accomplishment in your career. What steps did you take to achieve it?”
  7. Customer Service: “Give an example of a time when you provided exceptional customer service. What was the situation, and what was the result?”
  8. Time Management: “Tell me about a time when you had multiple deadlines to meet. How did you prioritize and manage your tasks?”
  9. Innovation: “Share an example of a time when you suggested a new idea or process that improved your work or your team’s performance.”
  10. Handling Stress: “Describe a stressful situation you encountered at work. How did you handle it and maintain your performance?”

What are the STAR method interview questions and answers

Here are examples of STAR method interview questions along with original answers;


Question: “Tell me about a time when you faced a significant problem at work. How did you handle it?”


  1. Situation: “In my capacity as a project manager, we experienced a significant challenge when a key supplier suddenly went out of business two weeks before the crucial product launch.”
  2. Task: “I needed to quickly find an alternative supplier and ensure the project stayed on schedule.”
  3. Action: “I got in touch with our current suppliers right once to ask if they could deliver the required supplies. Simultaneously, I researched and reached out to potential new suppliers. After evaluating their capabilities and negotiating terms, I selected a new supplier and adjusted the project timeline to accommodate the change.”
  4. Result: “The new supplier was able to meet our needs, and we managed to launch the product on time. The project was a success, and we received positive feedback from both customers and upper management for handling the situation effectively.”


Question: “Describe a situation where you had to work closely with a team to achieve a goal. What was your role, and what was the outcome?”


  1. Situation: “I was a member of a cross-functional team that was assigned with updating our customer assistance procedure as part of a company-wide initiative to improve customer service. .”
  2. Task: “My role was to collaborate with team members from different departments to gather insights and develop a more efficient support system.”
  3. Action: “I organized and led several brainstorming sessions, facilitated communication between team members, and compiled feedback to create a comprehensive support strategy. I also implemented new training for the support team based on our findings.”
  4. Result: “Thirty percent less time spent waiting for customers and fifteen percent more points for customer satisfaction resulted from the process redesign. The success of the initiative was recognized company-wide and became a model for future projects.”


Question: “Give me an example of a time when you took the lead on a project. What was the situation, and how did you lead the team?”


  1. Situation: “I was assigned to lead a team responsible for developing a new marketing campaign for a product launch.”
  2. Task: “It was my responsibility to organize the marketing, design, and sales departments' activities to guarantee a well-planned and effective campaign.”
  3. Action: “I arranged frequent meetings to monitor developments and handle any problems. I made a thorough project plan with precise due dates and targets. I also ensured open communication and feedback among team members to keep everyone aligned and motivated.”
  4. Result: “The campaign was launched successfully and resulted in a 25% increase in sales compared to previous launches. The project was praised for its smooth execution and strong team collaboration.”

Conflict Resolution

Question: “Can you share an experience where you had a disagreement with a coworker or manager? How did you resolve it?”


  1. Situation: “I had a disagreement with a coworker over the approach to a project deadline. We had different opinions on prioritizing tasks.”
  2. Task: “I had to come up with an approach that would take care of both of our worries and keep the project moving forward. ”
  3. Action: “I arranged a meeting with my coworker to discuss our viewpoints and understand each other’s perspectives. We explored compromises and agreed on a revised plan that incorporated elements from both approaches. I also documented the new plan to avoid future misunderstandings.”
  4. Result: “With the new plan, the job was successfully finished, and we were both happy with the result. This experience improved our working relationship and taught us the value of open communication and flexibility.”


Question: “Tell me about a time when you had to adjust to a major change at work. How did you manage the transition?”


  1. Situation: “I was unexpectedly tasked with teaching the whole staff how to use the new software after our company underwent a significant software upgrade.”
  2. Task: “My task was to quickly become proficient in the new software and then effectively train my colleagues.”
  3. Action: “I put in extra time to become familiar with all aspects of the software and to write a guide for use that included detailed instructions. I also organized training sessions and provided ongoing support to my team during the transition period.”
  4. Result: “The team adapted to the new software with minimal disruptions, and our productivity increased by 20% after the upgrade. My proactive approach to training was acknowledged by management and helped ensure a smooth transition for everyone.”

How to prepare for STAR interview questions

Preparing for STAR interview questions involves a few key steps to ensure your answers are clear and organized. Here’s a simple guide to help you;

Review Common STAR Questions

  1. What to do: Find out the typical STAR interview questions related to problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, handling conflicts, and adapting to change.

Reflect on Your Experiences

  1. What to do: Think about past experiences that highlight your skills and achievements. Pick examples that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Structure Your Answers Using STAR

  1. What to do: Break down each example into Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Practice explaining each part clearly.

Practice Your Responses

  1. What to do: Rehearse your answers out loud to get comfortable with them. You can practice with someone else or in front of a mirror.

Be Specific and Quantify Results

  1. What to do: Make your answers specific and include measurable results when possible. Use numbers or percentages to show the impact of your actions.

Tailor Examples to the Job

  1. What to do: Choose examples that match the skills and qualities the employer is looking for. Review the job description and focus on relevant examples.

Stay Concise and Focused

  1. What to do: Keep your answers clear and to the point. Try to cover each STAR element in about 1-2 minutes.

Prepare for Follow-Up Questions

  1. What to do: Be ready for questions that might ask for more details about your examples. Think about potential follow-ups and prepare extra information if needed.

Get Feedback

  1. What to do: Ask for feedback on your answers from mentors, friends, or career coaches. They can help you refine and improve your responses.

What are STAR method behavioral interview questions

STAR method behavioral interview questions are used to see how you've dealt with different situations in your past jobs. These questions ask you to use the STAR method to give clear and detailed answers.

  1. Definition: These questions ask about your past actions and behaviors in specific situations to understand your skills and how you might handle similar situations in the future.
  2. Purpose: To learn about your problem-solving skills, leadership, teamwork, adaptability, and other important traits.

Examples of STAR Method Behavioral Interview Questions

  1. Problem-Solving: “Tell me about a time when you faced a big problem at work. What happened, and how did you fix it?”
  2. Teamwork: “Describe a time when you worked well with a team. What was your role, and what was the result?”
  3. Leadership: “Give an example of when you led a project or task. What did you do, and what was the outcome?”
  4. Conflict Resolution: “Share a time when you had a disagreement with a coworker. How did you handle it?”
  5. Adaptability: “Tell me about a time when you had to adjust to a big change at work. How did you manage it?”
  6. Achievement: “What is a significant achievement you’ve had in your career? What steps did you take to achieve it?”
  7. Customer Service: “Describe a time when you provided excellent service to a customer. What was the situation, and what was the result?”
  8. Time Management: “Give an example of how you handled multiple tasks or deadlines. How did you stay organized and prioritize?”
  9. Innovation: “Can you provide an example of when you suggested a new idea or improvement? How did it benefit your team or project?”
  10. Handling Stress: “Tell me about a particularly stressful situation at work. How did you manage it while keeping up your performance?”

Using the STAR Method to Answer

When answering these questions, use the STAR structure;

  1. Situation: Describe the context or background of the example.
  2. Task: Explain the specific challenge or responsibility you had.
  3. Action: Detail the steps you took to handle the situation.
  4. Result: Share the outcome and any measurable impact of your actions.

What are the tips for answering STAR interview questions

Here are some easy-to-follow tips for answering STAR interview questions;

Understand the Question

  1. Tip: Listen carefully and make sure you get what the question is asking. Focus on the specific skill or behavior the interviewer wants to know about.

Choose Relevant Examples

  1. Tip: Pick examples from your past that are related to the job you’re applying for. Make sure they show the skills or qualities the employer is looking for.

Follow the STAR Structure

  1. Tip: Organize your answer using the STAR method: Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This keeps your answer clear and well-organized.

Be Specific and Detailed

  1. Tip: Give enough detail to paint a clear picture of the situation and your role in it. Avoid being vague; explain exactly what you did and how you did it.

Quantify Your Results

  1. Tip: When possible, include numbers or other metrics to show the impact of your actions. This helps demonstrate the results more clearly.

Practice Your Responses

  1. Tip: Practice your answers to common STAR questions. This helps you get comfortable with how to present your examples.

Stay Concise and Focused

  1. Tip: Keep your answers brief and to the point. Try to cover each part of STAR in about 1-2 minutes without going off-topic.

Highlight Your Role

  1. Tip: Focus on what you did, not just what the team did. The interviewer wants to know about your individual contributions.

Reflect on What You Learned

  1. Tip: If it fits, mention what you learned from the experience or how it helped you grow. This shows that you are self-aware and willing to learn.

Be Honest and Authentic

  1. Tip: Be truthful in your answers and choose examples that genuinely reflect your abilities. Being authentic helps build trust with the interviewer.

Explain the STAR interview technique

The STAR interview technique helps you answer behavioral questions by giving clear and detailed examples from your past. Here’s a simple overview;

What is the STAR Technique?

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. It’s a method to organize your answers and show how you’ve dealt with specific situations before.

Parts of STAR


  1. What it is: Describe the background of your example.
  2. How to do it: Explain where and when the situation happened. For example, “My previous position as a team leader involved a large project with a tight schedule.”


  1. What it is: Explain what you were responsible for.
  2. How to do it: Describe the challenge you faced or what you needed to accomplish. For example, “My job was to manage the team to meet the deadline.”


  1. What it is: Detail what you did to tackle the task.
  2. How to do it: Focus on your personal actions, not the team’s. Explain the steps you took. For example, “I set up daily meetings to track progress, assigned tasks based on team strengths, and adjusted our schedule to stay on track.”


  1. What it is: Share the outcome of your actions.
  2. How to do it: Explain what happened because of what you did. Include any positive results or measurable impacts. For example, "We completed the project two days ahead of schedule, and the client was impressed with the outcome.”

Why Use the STAR Technique?

  1. Clarity: It helps you give clear and well-organized answers.
  2. Focus: It keeps your answers relevant to the question asked.
  3. Detail: It lets you show your skills and how you handle different situations.

Key points

The STAR technique can assist you to compose answers that are convincing and insightful when it applies to behavioral interviews while responding to the interviewer's query appropriately. Always ensure that your responses are truthful and only discuss positive results. Jot down your experiences and practice speaking them out loud, modifying them where possible to make them concise and understandable. Try the following 3 Ps to master your STAR interviews.

  • Prepare -It is much easier to answer a set of behavioral interview questions by preparing the STAR method but, you also have to make sure you understand it in the correct sequence to give the best response.
  • Practice-Before the interview, spend time making the STAR technique precise by asking yourself a few STAR interview questions that are shared in this post to master the art of interviewing.
  • Perform-By reviewing our collection of the top behavioral interview questions, perform them in front of the mirror before going for an interview and stop being off-guard.
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