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Difference between Curriculum vitae and Resume

You may have noted when browsing work posts, some companies ask for a resume, while some may require curriculum vitae. Although both resumes and CVs are present in work applications, and perhaps some organizations can use the words interchangeably, there are a few notable distinctions between these two documents. It is vital to recognize the differentiation between a curriculum vitae vs. resume as a job seeker, particularly as a new one. 

The success of a work application must plan and deliver the right document. A significant initial step in beginning a prosperous and satisfying career is the work application file. In this post, we will explore the variations between a CV and a resume. And what to add to each of these items, and in which scenario to apply them. It will allow you to ensure that the correct document for your work applications is ready.


Image for part: Resume

A resume is a document that provides a summary of your educational background, work history, credentials, talents, career aspiration, and other accomplishments and skills. It contains fewer pages, and the data present is not as extensive as a curriculum vitae.


 Resumes are the main prevalent document in work applications submitted by candidates.

A resume must be as brief as necessary, and it is usually a one-page document, but it can be as extensive as two pages occasionally.


 To keep details short and to-the-point, resumes mostly use bullet-point lists.

There are a few forms of resumes, like reverse-chronological, functional, and hybrid formats. Choose a structure that better matches the work type you want to apply.

Curriculum Vitae

A curriculum vitae is a report used by an applicant when applying for a job, comprising details relating to the qualities of the candidate for the role, like their academic record, work experience. It generally consists of two and three pages but encompasses a concise and more seamless version called a description of the curriculum vitae. It is used most frequently by people with published works and studies.

Tips for Resume writing and Curriculum vitae

There are some useful guidelines you can implement, whether you are composing a curriculum vitae or a resume. It's necessary to highlight to the prospective employer how good you are for the position, what you can deliver to the organization, and why you'd be an ideal applicant for the job. 

  1. Align the role with your resume or curriculum vitae.  It is essential when formulating a resume, but it also extends to a CV. Ensure to display your qualifications, professional experience, and talents when they contribute to the specific industry or job. For instance, if you are looking for a position in education, then in a curriculum vitae, you can put your teaching experience. In a resume, you can only provide the industry experience that specifically relates to the job for which you are applying. In your resume or CV, you should also use terminology from the job description. It will demonstrate to the recruiter that you are an excellent match for the job.
  2. Choose your template. To organize your resume or CV, you may have to add a template. It will provide a simple structure to your document that will allow the company to see your background and experience.
  3. Modify and fact check. You have to evaluate the document extensively, regardless of whether you are using a CV or resume. Ensure no spelling or grammar mistakes are present.

Mahi Shah

Graphic Designer




A competent and imaginative designer with clear experience in both print and digital media. Operated extensively in the automobile and travel sectors, creating high-end concepts for business and consumers. Thoroughly focused, and has a detailed knowledge of Photoshop, Indesign, Dreamweaver, Illustrator and the present web applications.


Graphic Designer
Coven, Seattle
2016 - current
  • In a small but successful company, Initiated everyday design.
  • 100 + graphic design projects such as logos, ads, infographics have been created, increasing consumer purchases by 15%.
  • Assisted team meetings to raise sales for e-commerce customers for a project.
  • Worked on a project to create templates for written web content and pictures.
  • Made a significant contribution to a client site that received an Ecommerce Design Award in 2017
Junior Graphic Designer
Bloom, Seattle
2013 - 2016
  • Build integrated projects of design for both online and offline outputs.
  • Creation of prototypes for internal and external communications. Engaging clients in the design phase.
  • Meeting customers in order to address their requirements , priorities and budgets.
  • Designing and producing a wide range of advertising materials and graphic art.


B.A in Graphic Design
Grand State University, Michigan
2010 - 2013
GPA: 3.9

Tips for aligning qualifications with the job position in a resume, CV, and cover letter

When a comprehensive list of the requirements for your target position is ready, evaluate each aspect on the checklist and try to think about how you could show that you have that quality. Construct a sentence about as many credentials as feasible, outlining how you used that ability or demonstrated that skill in a career, volunteer, educational, or co-curricular position. Refer to any good outcomes or appreciation you have obtained when employing the expertise wherever applicable. For instance, if a job entails compelling writing skills; 

"I published press statements about the candidate's ideology while serving as a campaign volunteer, which culminated in two stories in the national papers."

  • Formulate your credentials in CV, resume, and cover letter

Evaluate the statements concerning your achievements and include your resume, curriculum vitae, and cover letter with the most-affected sentences. Write a thesis statement for the start of your cover letter that discusses 2 - 4 strengths that make you an ideal match for the job. And aim to promote your expertise to the recruiter. For instance, for a bank teller job position, you can suggest the following:

"My powerful abilities in maths, communication skills, attention to detail, and ability to function with accuracy make this role an incredible match for me."

  • Analysis and Optimizing your documents 

Check your latest resume, CV, and cover letter to ensure that you have added as many details as necessary about the required characteristics for the target position. And get the most exposure, mention the maximum-priority sentences at the start of your explanations.

If you have a few more eligible jobs than others, you could establish the main segment at the top of the resume, such as Related Experience, if they are not the recent positions.

  •  Feature headings

Some applicants will have background profiles that are in sync with core credentials. For example, the illustration where writing and event management are exceptionally skillful for a specific work.

If an applicant has the expertise that suits those requirements, they can establish headings such as Writing Experience and Skills in Event Management. And so position the relevant experiences in those segments of the resume.


Tips for highlighting Employers That You're an ideal fit

When preparing resumes and curriculum vitae, as well as during interviews, it is essential to reflect on your most appropriate skills and knowledge. The more clearly you can display your role fit and highlight to the recruiter how you can contribute to the achievement of a company, the greater the prospects of a successful job hunt.

  • Review the work advertisement thoroughly.

Usually, work listings consist of multiple parts like the following; 

  1. Details about the organization
  2. Information on candidates' ideal credentials
  3. A complete outline of the obligations inherent in the job position
  4. Procedures as to how to submit your application for the job.

Some job posts are short, whereas others provide more work and company information. Spend the time to properly examine the job listings so that you know what the business requires.

  • Compile a list of your achievements

If the position is a better match, the next move is to create a link between your abilities and the specifications of the company by making a list of the desired qualities for the suitable candidate for the target job.  You may also be able to develop most of your points directly from the job post if a job description is well-stated and comprehensive. Pull out all of the keywords that define talents, attributes, or experiences that are described as essential by the company. Study the job responsibilities as well and make some observations about the skills required to perform those jobs. For instance, if the advertisement states that you will arrange fundraising activities for prospective clients, you might presume that event management skills will be highly regarded and should be present in your resume.  

  • Gain additional facts and data

Occasionally, advertisements for jobs are very brief and do not say anything about the requirements of the company. Begin searching the company's website because, in the work section of their homepage, there could be a better explanation than in the job post you read. Another tactic is to scan job sites such as Indeed with the same job position to gain an understanding of what other companies are seeking in applicants. Also, check Google to see related job titles. For instance, if you are seeking employment as a financial analyst, try googling by employing the term financial analyst job description.

  • The requirement to incorporate skills

Review this list of skills for resumes, cover letters, and interviews if you are not clear about what skills or attributes to integrate. It comprises collections of generic qualities that employers most prefer, including abilities for a range of professions. In your resume, curriculum vitae, and cover letter, provide the most appropriate qualifications.

  • Enquire for guidance

 If you are genuinely inspired to pursue a specific job, inquire from the interview experts in the industry and what it entails to succeed in their position. Approach college alumni via the career office, LinkedIn associates, and family members to compile a list of connections for these insightful consultations.

Stating credentials during a job interview 

Check the list of the most valuable asset you generated while focusing on your job application before interviewing. Find ways to start conversation points about your unique abilities and strengths during the interview.

When an employer asks for an open-ended query such as Why they should hire you for this specific role"? Correspond 4 - 6 of the most crucial aspects that correlate to the core credentials for the position at hand.

  • Follow-up interview qualifications

When writing your thank-you messages, you may also concisely summarize your most professional possessions. For instance;

Together with my experience in statistical methods, my deep theoretical and communication abilities would make it possible to have an incredible effect if assigned to this role.

Application of Curriculum Vitae vs. Resume

Of course, even recognizing the distinctions and resemblance between the two texts, choosing which one to use for what always appears to be challenging.  And here are few things to consider when selecting a resume or a curriculum vitae;

  1. Anybody from the US and Canada recognizes that most companies expect resumes. Not everybody, after all, likes to invest time digging deeper into a three-page CV when during the interview process, they can raise questions. A resume is required to be sent by someone applying for a position in the US and Canada.
  2. The curriculum vitae is used widely by plenty of European nations like the UK and Ireland, using the CV format of the European Union as a framework. New Zealand still prefers a CV over a resume.
  3. Australia, South Africa, and India comply with a respective set of principles" regarding the use of the two documents, indicating that it is possible to employ the curriculum vitae and the resume replaceable. In such places, although it is normal to see a CV when applying for a position in the private industry and a resume-works well for public sector work.

What to Include in a Curriculum vitae (CV)

  • Contact Information
  • Personal Statement
  • Education
  • Professional Academic Appointments
  • Publications
  • Awards and Honors
  • Grants and Fellowships
  • Conferences
  • Teaching Experience
  • Research Experience
  • Non-Academic Activities
  • Languages and Skills
  • Memberships
  • References

What to Include on a Resume

  • Contact Information
  • Profile Summary 
  • Work Experience
  • Education
  • Skills
  • Additional Sections - Awards, Courses, Publications, Certificates

When to use a resume and CV

Address the following points to decide the right document if you are uncertain whether a resume or curriculum vitae is necessary for the position.

  • Type of job 

You may likely require a CV if you are seeking employment in academia, specifically as an instructor, teaching assistant, or researcher at a university. Most post-secondary schools have requirements on what to put in a CV, so make sure to review the website of the institution or inquire about these details from an employer before you send your documents.

  • Location of the company

A CV may relate to a generic resume, relying on where the organization is based, or it may apply to the lengthy type, extremely detailed report. Take into account the form of work first to decide which one you can submit. If it is an educational and research job, the company is typically pursuing a conventional CV. If it's some other kind of work, such as a position within academics for a business or even a staff role, then the company is possibly following the brief resume-style paper format.

Contact the employer and ask for information if you are in doubt about whether you should submit a CV or resume.

If you have a resume and not curriculum vitae ready, then it is valuable to compose one. A CV is a more detailed edition with a few extra sets of content, so it does not take a lot of work to build one from the other.

Jamison Brekke

Data Scientist


29 Leverton Cove Road,Boston, MA

Interpersonal Skills
Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Data Visualization

Competent in the implementation of solutions. Ideal when collaborating as a component of specifications for corporate customers and associates, collecting and translating their expectations into statistical equations and strategies. Detailed knowledge of mathematical equations, multivariate analysis and protocols.


Lead Data Scientist
ABC Corp
2016 - current
  • Machine learning methods were used for forecasting & simulation based on data from marketing and sales.
  • Complete data aggregation, alignment & process enhancement monitoring within the sales team was carried out.
  • Increased amounts of data analytic efficiency, precision, and process consistency were managed and controlled.
  • Assisted sales forecasting & preparation team by enhancing data set & evaluation of the main component.
Data Scientist
ABC Group, Boston
2013 - 2016
  • Accountable for the aggregation, filtration, and factor analysis of data.
  • Operated on statistical analysis for business and product operation, like a collection of data, database information, problem identification, recommendation, and development of solutions.
  • The technical solution blueprint was devised to cope with distortion in sales reports.
  • Three strategies have been developed to discuss Marketing optimal Evaluation with tools for estimating benchmark and increase revenues.


Bachelor of Science in Statistics
Boston University
2011 - 2013
GPA: 3.9

Difference between a CV and Resume

Image for part: Difference between a CV and Resume

Key points

  1. Length, substance, and intent are the key distinctions between a resume and a CV.
  2. Usually, resumes are one page, although CVs have no limits on length, and are generally from three and five pages.
  3. A resume is a short, tailored outline of your work achievements that are most applicable to the role you are applying for in the company. You may also provide details of academic and professional activities or voluntary work, based on your level of competence and the position.
  4. A CV is an in-depth document that outlines the specific educational and occupational accomplishments that are frequently required when applying for roles in academic or research.
  5. Evaluate the specific location of the job when determining whether to apply for a resume or a CV. If you are not sure, then do not be afraid to ask a member of the company, like the recruiter, to assist you in determining.
  6. Create a resume if you're seeking employment in the US or Canada: make it brief and tailor it to fit the job listing.
  7. Develop a Curriculum Vitae for academic jobs, provide each information relevant to your educational and professional career.
  8. You'll have to request a form entitled a 'CV' when seeking a position in Europe and New Zealand, but a European CV is quite similar to a US resume.
  9. Curriculum vitae and resume are used interchangeably in Australia and South Africa, and each relates to a brief report, a US resume counterpart.
  10. Resume and curriculum vitae signify the same in South Asian countries as in the United States but, you will also have to apply biodata for job-hunting.
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