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How to write a freelance writer cover letter

A cover letter offers potential employers all they want to learn about you. It suggests competence, work ethics, and even passion. A strong cover letter can significantly impact a freelance writer's ability to land a job. This guide discusses suggestions for writing a strong and killer freelance writer cover letter.

Purpose of a freelance writer cover letter

Image for part: Purpose of a freelance writer cover letter

A cover letter adds a significant amount of character to the recruitment procedure. Freelance writing assignments may feel anonymous, especially when hiring from markets like Upwork. 

A cover letter performs a few more tasks and provides some extra information, especially for independent writers;

  • Display your writing prowess. A strong cover letter stands alone as a piece of writing.
  • Generate interest. As a freelancer, draw the audience in with your language skills and storytelling abilities.
  • Promote discussion. To attract a hiring manager to contact you, provide a lot of details in your cover letter while leaving a little bit unexplained. Prepare your cover letter to make a recruiter who would like to read more about your writing, expertise, and your resume to determine whether or not you may be a suitable freelance writer for them.

Components of a cover letter

As a freelance writer, your cover letter should only have one purpose; to advance you to the next stage, which could be an interview, a resume assessment, or getting hired as a freelance writer. In light of this, the best cover letters will include the essential components;

Address the employer

You should address the recruiter who is considering applications. While often HR will move in to support, in the majority of businesses it will be the head of the department for freelance writers that generally implies advertising or editorial. When you've established who the individual is, look at their LinkedIn profile to learn more about how they communicate and connect with others. If you can't locate the hiring manager's name, look through the organization's information to obtain knowledge about style and subject. Additionally, thoroughly review the job description before structuring your cover letter if you're searching for a freelance writing position, where you can get information about the organization when you receive a callback from the hiring manager.

Brief and to the point

In your cover letter, be straightforward. Avoid using the passive voice, when talking about your achievements, and keep the cover letter to the point. Keep in mind that a cover letter shouldn't be an autobiography, rather, it should progress you to the next stage. After writing your cover letter, you should review it for any sections where you were monotonous or included too many instances. It is crucial if you're a freelance writer because your cover letter needs to show that you're a skilled writer.

Proper tone

Explore the organization's media kit as often as possible to comprehend its mission and the language to represent itself. Utilize this data as an editorial indication to mirror their style in your cover letter while being true to your own particular style. If a media kit is not available, read executive interviews or the corporations about page. Consider drafting your cover letter like an interview for a position as a freelance writer. You are browsing the company's webpage rather than addressing questions. Although your cover letter is the initial document a prospective client will see, this advice is valuable for freelance writers. You will appear out of sync if you prepare a highly organized, ultra-professional cover letter for a business that prides itself on its informal approach.

Keyword modification

Develop your original cover letter document avoiding any keywords, then include them when you go through the editing process. Start by looking for clear places where you may replace the word. Next, seek out context shifts where you may realign an example to more effectively convey what they are seeking, for instance, switching up a customer story to demonstrate your time management skills versus your writing skills. After that, search for any chances to include a keyword.

Other resources on freelance writer, how to become a freelance writer, how to write a freelance writer resume, freelance writer resume sample, freelance writer skills for resume and cover letter.

Things to include in a freelance writer cover letter

The following are the essential aspects to incorporate into your cover letter;


Begin your cover letter with a precise opening and declaration of purpose and what position you are seeking. If you know the name of the employer, you must include the name in the cover letter.

Insightful situations

Consider your cover letter to showcase the client's qualities that aren't instantly evident from a writing sample, such as time management and project management. Adapt these instances to the questions or points made in the job description.


Describe how your background makes you the ideal candidate to work as a freelance writer for this business. You can use specific wording from the job requirements and application to demonstrate how well you match the requirements.

Connect to a portfolio

Though your cover letter can serve as a representation of your work, you must also provide a reference to your online portfolio of freelance writing. Just ensure there are only applicable examples and not a lengthy website with several connections. It's a fantastic opportunity to exhibit your writing abilities, in terms of articles and other types of writing you have completed.

Awards or accomplishments

Often the position will need for proven understanding of a particular writing style or subject-matter competence. You could add any accomplishments or accolades that indicate your expertise in your cover letter in addition to work samples. If you've achieved something in a field but do not have a particular writing example for it, maybe really valuable as you can talk about it during an interview. 

Extra requirements from the job listing

Each profession will have diverse requirements, so be careful to cover everything. Some questions are relevant to your profession, like those about your accreditation, and some are tests of your focus and concentration, like reviewing the job posting.

Give reference to your resume 

Ensure to mention your résumé, but avoid giving out too much information. However, entice potential employers with information from your resume in your cover letter to persuade them to review it. Note: Your resume must usually be customized for every job role.

Contact details

Your email address can be included under your name after the letter even though you'll probably already have it listed within the application.

Freelance Writer Cover Letter Example

Dear Employer,

After reading your advertisement for a freelance writer, I am submitting my job application. I am convinced that I'll significantly exceed your requirements as a detail-oriented, seasoned writer with more than eight years of experience creating unique material for a range of outlets.

A dedication to grammar perfection, the natural capability to recognize and seek out engaging stories and material, and strict compliance with all schedules and specific publication standards are necessary for performance in the freelance writing business. In the past, I've written both brief and lengthy articles on many topics, including media, culture, arts, and business. I am prepared to continue my successful publishing career with ABC Magazine thanks to my dedication to building enduring friendships that will foster new connections and inspire post ideas.

Here are the features of my experience and skills;

  • Published about 270 newspaper articles and 53 magazine articles in a variety of well-known journals, and questioned members of the public and companies for high-impact reading material.
  • Developed thorough, new information for publications and received instruction from industry experts in a broad range of software packages like Photoshop and HTML to support development into new media.
  • Established dependable relationships with colleagues, editorial staff, and community groups to facilitate future collaborations and generate article and contact prospects.
  • Utilizing excellent editorial abilities to produce excellent material at the time of submission, allowing a quick turnaround from writing to publishing.
  • Obtained a graduate certification in writing and an MFA from the University of Minnesota with a focus on creative writing.

My experience creating original material and dedication to discovering and developing unique stories can be beneficial to your organization.  

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Natasha Robinson

How do I write a freelance cover letter

Writing an impressive freelance cover letter is crucial for securing your next job. Here's a breakdown to help you create one that stands out;

Customize for Each Job

  1. Avoid using a generic template.
  2. Carefully read the project description and align your skills and experience with the client's requirements.

Structure Your Letter

Attention-grabbing introduction

  1. Initiate with a powerful opening that highlights your relevant skills and experiences.
  2. Reference a specific accomplishment related to the project.

Highlight your strengths

  1. Elaborate on your skills and experiences, incorporating keywords from the job description.
  2. Provide examples of your achievements with measurable results.

Enthusiasm and Availability: Express enthusiasm for the project and state your immediate availability.

Call to action

  1. Thank the client for their consideration.
  2. End with a clear call to action, encouraging further discussion or directing them to your portfolio.


  1. Keep it concise: Aim for a one-page letter.
  2. Proofread: Eliminate typos and grammatical errors.
  3. Maintain a professional tone throughout.
  4. Use a formal greeting, addressing the cover letter to a specific person rather than using "To Whom It May Concern."

How do I write about myself as a freelance writer

When you're writing about yourself as a freelance writer, it's essential to show off your unique skills, experiences, and interests in a proper manner. Here is an overview on how to accomplish it;


  1. Start with a short introduction that grabs attention.
  2. Say your name and talk about what you're good at as a freelance writer.
  3. Tell people that you really love writing and you're committed to making great content.

Skills and Specializations

  1. Write about the things you're good at in writing, like telling stories, doing research, editing, and checking for mistakes.
  2. Say what areas you know a lot about, like writing for blogs, advertising, technical stuff, or news.
  3. Give examples or stories that show you're good at these things.


  1. Talk about the jobs you've done before that show how good you are at writing.
  2. Say who you've worked for and what you've written for them.
  3. Mention any special awards or good things people have said about your writing.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

  1. Explain what makes you different from other writers.
  2. Talk about the special skills or ideas you have that make clients want to hire you.
  3. Say how good you are at understanding what clients need, getting work done on time, and writing in different styles.

Passion and Commitment

  1. Tell people how much you love writing and how hard you work to make clients happy.
  2. Share what makes you excited about writing and how you're always trying to get better.
  3. Show that you're serious about doing a good job and making clients happy.

Call to Action

  1. Finish by asking people to get in touch with you if they need writing help.
  2. Give them your contact details or links to your work.
  3. Encourage them to send you a message to talk about working together.

What is an example of a freelancer application letter

Dear [Client Name],

I'm reaching out to express my enthusiasm for the freelance content writing opportunity you've posted on [Platform (e.g., Upwork, Freelancer)]. With [Number] years of experience in content writing, I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to your project.

During my tenure at [Previous Company], I achieved notable success by [Specific accomplishment related to the project]. For example, I [Quantifiable achievement with results]. My skill set encompasses [List relevant skills (e.g., SEO optimization, content strategy, specific content types like blog posts or website copy)], which have been honed through my professional journey.

What draws me particularly to this project is [Mention something specific about the project that excites you]. My passion for [Your area of content expertise] drives me, and my proficiency in [Highlight relevant skills] assures me that I can deliver outstanding content tailored to your needs.

In addition to my writing prowess, I bring strong organizational skills, effective communication, and adept time management abilities to the table. I thrive in independent work environments and excel at meeting deadlines. I am eager to delve deeper into your project requirements and explore how my skills and experience can enrich your team.

Attached is my portfolio, showcasing a selection of my writing samples. My hourly rate stands at [Your hourly rate], and I am ready to commence work immediately.

I eagerly await the opportunity to discuss further and collaborate with you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

What kind of cover letter do I need for Upwork

Upwork cover letters differ slightly from traditional ones. Here's what you should keep in mind;

  1. Keep it brief: Given the volume of proposals clients receive on Upwork, brevity is crucial. Aim for 250-300 words to make a concise and impactful impression.
  2. Address the client's needs: Tailor your cover letter to directly speak to the requirements outlined in the job description. This shows your attentiveness to their needs.
  3. Showcase relevant skills and experience: Utilize keywords from the job description and highlight your expertise with measurable outcomes to demonstrate your suitability for the role.
  4. Follow instructions: Many Upwork job postings include specific instructions for proposals, such as whether a cover letter is necessary and if there's a word limit. Ensure you follow these guidelines precisely.
  5. Include a call to action: Conclude your cover letter with a clear call to action, inviting the client to further discuss the project or view your portfolio, which can be conveniently linked within Upwork.

What specific details should be included in the introduction to grab the client's attention in the freelance writer cover letter

A compelling introduction is vital in a freelance writer cover letter to capture the client's interest. Here are specific elements you can include to make a strong initial impression;

  1. Highlight a measurable accomplishment relevant to the project: Start by showcasing your value with a specific achievement directly tied to the client's needs. Utilize figures and outcomes to illustrate your effectiveness. For instance, "In my previous position, I enhanced website traffic by 20% through strategic content creation."
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of their industry or niche: Display your research by referencing a particular aspect of their industry or niche. This indicates your comprehension of their target audience and challenges.
  3. Engage with an intriguing fact or statistic: Capture the reader's attention by presenting a compelling and relevant fact or statistic related to the project's objectives.
  4. Showcase a unique perspective or approach: Briefly emphasize what distinguishes you from other writers. Do you possess a specialized area of expertise or a distinct writing style?

Here are examples that incorporate these techniques;

  1. Quantifiable achievement: "Through engaging blog posts optimized for SEO, I boosted website traffic by 20% for a SaaS company." (suitable for content writing roles)
  2. Industry knowledge: "Drawing from my lifelong passion for athletics, I excel in crafting fitness content that resonates with readers, understanding the unique challenges faced by fitness brands today." (ideal for a fitness brand)
  3. Intriguing fact: "Did you know that 80% of online readers skim content? My expertise lies in crafting scannable content that captivates attention and yields results." (suited for web copywriting positions)
  4. Unique perspective: "Leveraging my background in psychology, I specialize in crafting marketing copy that taps into human emotions, driving conversions effectively." (appropriate for marketing copywriting roles)

How can I tailor a freelance writer cover letter to address the client's needs and requirements outlined in the job description

To tailor your freelance writer cover letter effectively to address the client's needs and requirements outlined in the job description, follow these steps;

Read the Job Description

  1. Start by thoroughly reading the job description provided by the client.
  2. Pay close attention to the specific skills, experiences, and qualities they're seeking in a freelance writer.

Identify Key Requirements and Preferences

  1. Make a list of the essential skills, experiences, and qualifications mentioned in the job description.
  2. Take note of any preferences or additional qualities the client is looking for in an ideal candidate.

Highlight Relevant Skills and Experiences

  1. Match your skills and experiences to the requirements outlined in the job description.
  2. Emphasize your relevant writing skills, such as SEO optimization, content strategy, or proficiency in specific content types.
  3. Provide examples or anecdotes from your previous work that demonstrate your ability to meet the client's needs.

Customize Your Introduction and Body Paragraphs

  1. Tailor your introduction to address the specific project and client.
  2. Mention any relevant experiences or achievements that align with the client's requirements.
  3. Use language from the job description to demonstrate your understanding of the client's needs and your ability to fulfill them.

Address Any Specific Requests or Instructions

  1. If the job description includes specific instructions for cover letters, such as word count or format, be sure to follow them closely.
  2. Address any questions or prompts provided by the client within your cover letter.

Showcase Your Enthusiasm and Commitment

  1. Express your genuine interest in the project and your enthusiasm for working with the client.
  2. Highlight how your skills and experiences make you well-suited to meet the client's needs and exceed their expectations.

End with a Call to Action

  1. Conclude your cover letter with a clear call to action, inviting the client to further discuss the project or review your portfolio.
  2. Encourage the client to take the next steps in the hiring process, such as scheduling an interview or providing additional information.

What strategies can I employ to highlight relevant skills and experiences in a freelance writer cover letter

Here are some strategies you can employ to highlight relevant skills and experiences in a freelance writer cover letter;

Keyword Matching and Specificity

  1. Examine the job description: Identify key terms and phrases describing the project's requirements (e.g., content type, audience, industry).
  2. Incorporate relevant keywords: Integrate them naturally into your cover letter to demonstrate comprehension.
  3. Emphasize specific skills pertinent to the project: Avoid generic mentions and instead focus on skills directly applicable to the task (e.g., SEO optimization for content writing, and social media expertise for blog posts).

Quantify your Contributions

  1. Move beyond generic labels like "experienced writer": Highlight the tangible impact of your writing using quantifiable metrics.
  2. Utilize metrics from past projects: Showcase accomplishments such as increased website traffic, lead generation, or conversion rates.
  3. Emphasize results over tasks: Rather than merely stating tasks performed, emphasize how your writing contributed to specific outcomes like enhanced brand awareness or engagement.

Craft Compelling Stories

  1. Transform achievements into engaging narratives: Present your successes as concise stories that demonstrate your skills in action.
  2. Highlight instances of overcoming challenges: Briefly recount a previous project challenge and illustrate how your skills enabled you to surmount it.
  3. Focus on client benefits: Frame your stories around how your skills provided value to past clients and benefited their objectives.

Showcase understanding of their needs

  1. Address identified pain points: Acknowledge any challenges mentioned in the job description and illustrate your capability to tackle them with your skills.
  2. Demonstrate industry knowledge (where relevant): Exhibit your familiarity with their industry or niche and briefly outline your understanding of their target audience.
  3. Provide insight into your process: Offer a glimpse into your research methodology or how you tailor content to suit specific audience demographics.

How do I incorporate quantifiable results or achievements in the freelance writer cover letter

Incorporating quantifiable results or achievements into your freelance writer cover letter can greatly enhance your credibility and showcase the tangible impact of your work. Here's how you can do it effectively;

Identify Measurable Metrics

  1. Instead of using generic statements, such as "I'm a great writer," focus on specific, measurable outcomes.
  2. Look for metrics relevant to the project's goals, such as website traffic, leads generated, conversions, or social media engagement.

Highlight Specific Projects

  1. Rather than simply listing your skills, connect them to particular projects where you achieved quantifiable results.
  2. Provide context by briefly describing the project type, target audience, and the writing task you completed.

Emphasize Results with Numbers

  1. Quantify the impact of your writing using numbers and data to demonstrate the positive outcomes.
  2. Focus on percentages and increases to show the extent of your contribution. For example, "Boosted website traffic by 25%" or "Achieved twice the number of leads with focused blog posts."
  3. Be specific by mentioning the actual number of website visitors, leads generated, or social media shares achieved.

Frame Results as Benefits

  1. Go beyond simply listing numbers by explaining how your results benefited the client.
  2. Connect your achievements directly to the client's goals or objectives. For instance, mention how your writing contributed to increasing brand awareness, improving sales, or driving conversions.

What are the best practices for following any instructions provided by the client regarding the cover letter format or word limit

Following instructions provided by the client regarding the cover letter format or word limit is important to show that you pay attention to details and can follow directions. Here are some best practices;

  1. Read carefully: Make sure to read the instructions given by the client carefully before writing your cover letter.
  2. Stick to the format: If the client asks for a specific format, like a certain style of writing or layout, make sure your cover letter follows it.
  3. Watch the word count: If there's a word limit mentioned, don't exceed it. Your cover letter should be concise and straightforward.
  4. Be clear and concise: Write your cover letter in clear and simple language. Avoid using complicated words or long sentences.
  5. Double-check: Before sending your cover letter, double-check to ensure you've followed all the instructions correctly.

How can I express my enthusiasm for the project and convey my commitment to delivering high-quality work

Here are some strategies to express your enthusiasm for the project and commitment to high-quality work in your freelance writer cover letter;

Highlight Your Passion & Knowledge

  1. Talk about what makes you excited about the project: Share briefly what catches your interest about the project or the client's company or area of focus.
  2. Show you know about their industry: Give a quick glimpse of your understanding of who they're trying to reach or what's happening in their field.
  3. Example: "I have a strong passion for promoting environmentally friendly practices, which is why I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute content for your sustainable clothing brand."

Emphasize Your Commitment to Quality

  1. Stress your commitment to doing great work: Talk about how you're focused on giving them top-notch results.
  2. Mention how you do your research: Quickly say how you make sure your work is accurate and fits their needs.
  3. Offer to make changes if needed (if it makes sense for what you do): Say you're willing to make edits to make sure they're happy.
  4. Example: "I'm dedicated to making sure the content I create not only meets your needs but also stands out. I do thorough research to make sure it's accurate and engaging, and I'm always open to making changes to make sure it's just right."

Use Strong Action Verbs

  1. Use action words to show you're ready to get things done: Instead of just saying you "wrote" something, use words like "developed" or "crafted."
  2. Action words show you're excited and ready to work hard: They show you're eager to jump into the project.
  3. Example: "I can't wait to work together to create content that makes an impact."

Express Eagerness 

  1. Finish with a strong invitation to talk more: Ask them to get in touch if they want to know more or have questions.
  2. Show you're ready to talk about it more: Let them know you're available for an interview or to chat further.
  3. Example: "I'm excited about the possibility of working together. Let's talk soon about how we can make this project a success!"

What should I include in the call to action to encourage the client to take the next steps like discussing the project further or reviewing my portfolio

To encourage the client to take the next steps, such as discussing the project further or reviewing your portfolio, your call to action should be clear, inviting, and proactive. Here's what you should include;

Express Enthusiasm: Start by expressing your excitement about the potential collaboration and your eagerness to move forward.

Specify Next Steps

  1. State what action you want the client to take next, whether it's scheduling a call to discuss the project in more detail or reviewing your portfolio.
  2. Use action-oriented language to prompt the client to act, such as "Let's schedule a call" or "I invite you to review my portfolio."

Provide Contact Information: Include your preferred method of contact, such as your email address or phone number, making it easy for the client to reach out to you.

Offer Assistance: Reiterate your availability and willingness to answer any questions or provide additional information the client may need.

Express Gratitude: End your call to action with a thank you for considering your application and for their time.

How do I ensure that my cover letter maintains a professional tone throughout

Here are a few ways to ensure that the freelance writer cover letter maintain a formal tone;

  1. Formal Language: Use formal language and avoid informal expressions or slang.
  2. Grammar & Mechanics: Check the cover letter for typos, grammar errors, and punctuation mistakes to show attention to detail.
  3. Positive and Confident Tone: Maintain a positive and confident tone, emphasizing your strengths and value without negativity.
  4. Respectful Address: Address the client respectfully, using appropriate titles if known.
  5. Value-Focused Content: Frame your skills and experiences in terms of the benefits they offer to the client rather than just listing accomplishments.
  6. Clarity and Conciseness: Communicate clearly and concisely, avoiding overly complex sentences or jargon for easy readability.
  7. Proofread: Consider having a trusted friend or colleague review your cover letter for professionalism before submission.
  1. Avoid informal greetings like "Hey" or "What's up?"
  2. Use a formal sign-off such as "Sincerely" or "Regards."
  3. Let the quality of your writing itself demonstrate your professionalism and strong communication skills.

What unique aspects of my writing skills or approach can I emphasize to set myself apart from other applicants

To set yourself apart from other applicants as a freelance writer, emphasize unique aspects of your writing skills or approach that showcase your strengths and suitability for the project. Here are some potential areas you could highlight;

  1. Specialized Knowledge or Expertise: Highlight any specific industries, niches, or topics where you have in-depth knowledge or expertise. This demonstrates your understanding of the subject matter and audience needs.
  2. Unique Writing Style or Voice: Showcase your distinct writing style or voice that sets you apart from others. Whether it's a conversational tone, humor, or a poetic flair, emphasize what makes your writing stand out.
  3. Data-Driven Approach: If you excel at using data and analytics to inform your content strategy, emphasize this strength. Discuss how you integrate data insights to create targeted and effective content.
  4. Exceptional Research Skills: Emphasize your ability to conduct thorough research and fact-checking to ensure accuracy and credibility in your writing. Highlight any past projects where your research skills were instrumental.
  5. Multilingual Proficiency: If you're fluent in multiple languages, emphasize this valuable skill, especially if the project requires content localization or targeting diverse audiences.
  6. Versatility in Writing Styles: Showcase your versatility by highlighting your ability to adapt your writing style to different formats or purposes. Whether it's technical writing, creative storytelling, or persuasive copywriting, demonstrate your range.
  7. Track Record of Success: Provide examples of past projects or achievements where your writing contributed to tangible outcomes such as increased engagement, improved SEO rankings, or higher conversion rates.

Are there any specific tips or strategies for writing a cover letter on freelance platforms like Upwork or Freelancer

Writing a cover letter on freelance platforms like Upwork or Freelancer requires some specific strategies to stand out among numerous applicants. Here are some tips;

Personalize Each Cover Letter

  1. Avoid using generic templates. Tailor your cover letter to each job posting by referencing specific details mentioned in the job description.
  2. Address the client by name and mention the project or company name to demonstrate your attention to detail.

Highlight Relevant Skills and Experience

  1. Focus on skills and experiences directly related to the project requirements outlined in the job posting.
  2. Add keywords from the job specifications to demonstrate your compatibility with the position.
  3. Provide examples or case studies that demonstrate your past successes in similar projects.

Be Concise and Direct

  1. Ensure your cover letter is concise and focused. Many clients receive numerous applications, so it's essential to capture their attention quickly.
  2. Aim for a one-page cover letter and avoid unnecessary fluff or repetition.

Showcase Your Personality and Passion

  1. While maintaining professionalism, inject some personality into your cover letter to make it memorable.
  2. Express genuine enthusiasm for the project and demonstrate your passion for your work.

Include Relevant Portfolio Samples or Links

  1. Provide links to your portfolio, website, or relevant samples of your work.
  2. Choose samples that align with the client's needs and showcase your expertise in the desired areas.

Follow Platform Guidelines

  1. Pay attention to any specific instructions or guidelines provided by the freelance platform or the client.
  2. Some platforms may have word count limits or formatting requirements for cover letters, so be sure to adhere to them.

End with a Clear Call to Action

  1. Close your cover letter with a clear call to action, inviting the client to take the next steps, such as scheduling an interview or reviewing your profile.
  2. Provide contact information and encourage the client to reach out to you for further discussion.
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Table of contents
Purpose of a freelance writer cover letter Components of a cover letter Things to include in a freelance writer cover letter Freelance Writer Cover Letter Example How do I write a freelance cover letter How do I write about myself as a freelance writer What is an example of a freelancer application letter What kind of cover letter do I need for Upwork What specific details should be included in the introduction to grab the client's attention in the freelance writer cover letter How can I tailor a freelance writer cover letter to address the client's needs and requirements outlined in the job description What strategies can I employ to highlight relevant skills and experiences in a freelance writer cover letter How do I incorporate quantifiable results or achievements in the freelance writer cover letter What are the best practices for following any instructions provided by the client regarding the cover letter format or word limit How can I express my enthusiasm for the project and convey my commitment to delivering high-quality work What should I include in the call to action to encourage the client to take the next steps like discussing the project further or reviewing my portfolio How do I ensure that my cover letter maintains a professional tone throughout What unique aspects of my writing skills or approach can I emphasize to set myself apart from other applicants Are there any specific tips or strategies for writing a cover letter on freelance platforms like Upwork or Freelancer
Person looking into mirror and seeing professional version of themselves

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